Page 17 - ISSUE 19
P. 17

ROCKNATION ISSUE 19                                                                                                               PAGE 17

                                                                                                               Photos by Tom Mathers

              Rocknation Publisher Tom Mathers caught up with Broken Teeth in Bryan Texas at the Grand Stafford Theater Jan. 19th, 2013.
              Jason McMaster informed me about the new track on iTunes “Devil on the Road” the song was recorded last year. Jason said
            ‘this was shockingly the last work we did with bassist Travis Weiss, who suddenly passed in Sept 2012. We celebrate Travis’s life
               and involvement with Broken Teeth, with this release. We are doing a limited CD release with a greatest hits vibe with d.o.t.r.
             (devil on the road) as the attraction, the release comes next month (March 2013).’ The band’s currently recording new material,
                             for immediate release digitally. Please check out “Devil on the Road” on amazon, itunes, etc...
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