Page 20 - SimpleWaystoPracticeEnglishforBusinessBookStudentsFLIPpdf
P. 20

Unit 4 The fourth unit   After proceeding with this unit,   Students will
                     discusses varied   students must be able to;   be exposed
                     language courses;   Speaking skill:            to practice
                     what kinds of     -  Encourage their speaking   the language
                     business will you   skills by giving them more   expressions
                     design in the       opportunities to speak in class,   of agreement
                     future, reading     both formally and informally   and
                     comprehension       business situation         disagreement
                     “What is Canva and   -  Promote their self-confidence   in the
                     How can we use it for   to practice their oral speaking,   business area.
                     business”, grammar   especially how to express
                     corner, and language   agreement and disagreement
                     practices           language expressions
                                       -  Develop their speaking ability
                                         in business English situation
                                         both in terms of fluency and
                                       -  Boost their oral presentations
                                         and receive learning feedback on
                                         their speaking performance
                                       -  Practice varied language
                                         expressions of agreement and
                                         disagreement that students can
                                         express in the business area
                                       -  Recognize the meaning,
                                         purpose of communication, text
                                         structure, and language elements
                                         contained in spoken and written
                                         transactional interaction texts
                                         related to personality, and
                                         business relationships according
                                         to the context of use.

                                       Writing skill:
                                       -  Enhance their writing ability
                                         through writing activities in the
                                         business context
                                       -  Engage themselves in the active
                                         learning to learn how to write a
                                         business plan systematically.
                                       -  Practice writing some language
                                         expressions of agreement and
                                         disagreement, asking and giving

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