Page 24 - SimpleWaystoPracticeEnglishforBusinessBookStudentsFLIPpdf
P. 24
- Recognize the meaning of
information spoken through
listening activities
Unit 6 The sixth unit After taking this unit deeply, Students
illustrates some students are expected to be able; must be able
learning materials Speaking skill: to learn and
that dealt with - Expose their speaking skills by practice the
making an giving largely opportunities to expressions
appointment, reading speak in class, both formally and of making,
comprehension informally business situation accepting,
“how to make an - Improve their self-confidence and
appointment, helpful to practice their oral speaking, cancelling an
language phrases, especially how to express appointment
grammar corner, and making, accepting, and in English
language practices canceling appointment language business
expressions context.
- Motivate their speaking ability
in business English situation
both in terms of fluency and
- Involve them in oral
presentations and receive
learning feedback on their
speaking performance
- Practice varied language
expressions of making, accepting
and cancelling appointment
that students can express in the
business area
- Recognize the meaning,
purpose of communication, text
structure, and language elements
contained in spoken and written
transactional interaction texts
related to personality, and
business relationships according
to the context of use.
Writing skill:
- Develop their writing ability
through writing activities in the
business context
- Engage themselves in active
learning to learn how to make
an appointment in an English
business context.