Page 116 - Love Story of a Commando
P. 116

16. Jungle Love

                           The sadness deep inside me was gone in a second. I may not be that great,
                           but  I  certainly  was  special.  I  had  tried  hard  to  fit  into  society,  please
                           everyone, but I could not, because I was never meant to please anyone but
                           myself. I made my own choices. I was a free person. My eyes were glowing
                           like hundred-watt bulbs and all the grief and pain inside me melted away.
                           Being with your soulmate is therapeutic and it heals your deepest wounds.
                           Virat had the same alluring effect on me.
                                   ‘Thank you.’
                                   ‘Why? I mean it, you are wild, reckless and anything but helpless. I
                           am  dreaded  by  the  most  dangerous  men  and  here  you  control  me  like  a
                           puppy. Because you see, I am a shadow myself. Sharing myself is amongst
                           the most uncomfortable things for me. But with you, it comes naturally. Your
                           spirits match my demons perfectly,’ he said with dreamy eyes.
                                   The earth beneath me turned into a raging inferno and consumed me
                           at once.
                                   I pulled him towards me by his neck and touched my cheeks against
                           his. We kissed like Armageddon was heading straight to us and this would
                           be  our  last  night.  The  explosive  passion  and  pain  hidden  deep  inside  our
                           souls erupted into that one kiss. We kissed for several long minutes, before
                           he pushed me away, breathing heavily.
                                   His eyes were apologizing, and he said, ‘No! Not again. I cannot.’
                                   But  it  meant  nothing  to  me,  I  pulled  him  close  to  me  again  and
                           started  kissing  his  neck,  biting  his  nose,  ears,  teasing  him  and  tracing  his
                           face with my lips. He stepped back a little and clenched his fists. My senses
                           were long gone and the longing inside me was surfacing again and again. I
                           put my arms around his waist and pulled him towards my bosom, tilting my
                           head backwards.
                                   There! The boundaries were shattered and he lost his senses too. His
                           torrid kisses trailed down my flesh deliberately.
                                   He was scared, scared to love me and lose me again.
                                   He knew what it was like to carry around a love so heavy. He knew
                           what it was like to love and be lost forever, never to meet again.
                                   Lovemaking  lets  you  know  things  about  a  man  which  you  would
                           never know ordinarily, and I could make out that he was terrified. He did not
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