Page 120 - Love Story of a Commando
P. 120

come bring you roti daal packed in a tiffin box, clad in a ghagra-choli?’ I
                           replied sternly.
                                   ‘Exactly! This is what I was thinking. See, we are now reciprocating
                           each other’s thoughts,’ he said excitedly.
                                   ‘Shut  up!  Okay?  Shut  up!’  I  said,  raising  my  pitch.  ‘I  don’t  know
                           how to cook. Okay? I need a fully furnished house in an urban location with
                           a gym and swimming pool nearby. There will be two full-time maids at our
                           house and kids will be planned for after six–seven years of our marriage, and
                           by  the  way  nobody  uses  names  like  Rahul  and  Tina  anymore.  This  is  so
                           Nineties. Come out of your clichés. We will name them Aarav and Mannat.
                           Okay?’ It was as if I was debating over a life or death situation.
                                   He  came  closer  to  me  and  pulled  me  towards  him.  He  buried  his
                           hands in my hair, stroked it a little, kissed my forehead and said, ‘Okay!’
                                   I  was  stunned.  The  warmth  of  his  touch  and  the  security  of  his
                           presence  in  my  life  was  priceless.  I  rested  my  head  against  his  chest  and
                           asked, ‘Virat, this is not a dream, no?’
                                   ‘No! Of course not!’ he replied.
                                   ‘You will not leave me this time, no?’ I asked feebly.
                                   ‘No! Riya, no! I cannot imagine my life without you. Please don’t
                           say that,’ and he wrapped his arms more tightly around me.
                                   Right then, his radio set crackled with voices, ‘Sierra to Tiger! Sierra
                           to Tiger! Connect!’
                                   ‘Tiger to Sierra! Tiger to Sierra! Connected! Go ahead!’ he replied.
                                   ‘We  crossed  the  ruins  a  long  time  back  and  are  seeing  some  huge
                           rocks around us. Confirm!’ The voice on the other side said.
                                   He  removed  himself  from  the  embrace  and  replied,  ‘Tiger  holding
                           the fort! Over!’
                                   ‘We are closing in! Be alert! Over!’ the voice said.
                                   ‘Over and out!’ he replied and switched off the set before hanging it
                           back on his belt.
                                   ‘Please get up! My rescue team will be here in two minutes. I am so
                           relieved,’ he said brightly.
                                   I was relieved too but a little sad. I was beginning to enjoy our jungle
                           romance. I could totally relate with Adam and Eve and the mistakes they
                           made creating humankind eventually. Maybe we could have created a whole
                           new world again. I was totally cool about living the rest of my life under the
                           thatched  roof  of  a  hut  constructed  by  Virat,  cooking  food  on  a  wood  fire
                           made after rubbing two stones for an hour.
                                   It was so Blue Lagoon- ish. Sigh !
                                   I  could  hear  loud  footsteps  and  two  NSG  commandos  wearing
                           pherans approached us out of nowhere. They were waving semi-automatic
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