Page 117 - Love Story of a Commando
P. 117

want to lose me. The thrill of being wanted was so exhilarating that it wiped
                           out all sense and reason as I wrapped him tightly in my arms before pushing
                           him to the barren rocks beneath. Emotions streaked inside me like lightning
                           and I kissed him deeply. He held me close, feeling my softness, imprinting
                           my lines on him. Centuries must have passed since he had last held me, and
                           his  body  was  heating  up  in  spite  of  the  cold  that  surrounded  us  in  that
                           Kashmiri  forest.  The  rain  had  stopped  but  I  was  not  cold.  His  breath  felt
                           fiery like a dragon’s against my naked skin and I was hot as hell.
                                   He  said,  ‘I  loved  you,  and  will  always  love  you.  There  is  no
                           tomorrow for me and you are my eternity.’
                                   There  was  a  tenderness  to  his  lovemaking.  I  could  not  believe  the
                           way he made me feel every time. There was no urgency but worship. The
                           admiration of my whole self was so visible by the manner he loved me, truly,
                           deeply  and  madly.  I  did  not  know  if  other  people  felt  like  this.  The
                           maddening vibes, the grinding rhythm, the fiery breath, the touch and feel of
                           our  flesh,  the  moaning  of  our  souls,  the  craving  for  some  more  and  the
                           celebration of our love—all of it came together in one moment.
                                   He was not my other half, with us there were no halves, no quarters,
                           no parts at all. There was  only a whole. Together, we  were one unit, one
                           entity, one intensely burning flame that burst into being whenever we came
                           together,  one  single  form  of  energy  packed  densely  as  if  the  bonding
                           between us was forever.
                                   He shuddered over me and rested his head gently on my shoulder.
                           With the sweat soaked curls falling on his forehead, his closed eyes and the
                           curves around his lips, he looked devastatingly handsome. I ruffled his hair
                           gently and kissed him on his forehead. There was so much love in the air.
                           The jungle sounds had changed, they felt rhythmic, welcoming and familiar.
                           We stared into each other’s eyes for some time before he broke the silence.
                                   ‘I think we should stay here. Dawn will soon break and I will connect
                           with my pack again and give them the new coordinates,’ he said.
                                   I nodded and sat there silently for some time only to drift off to sleep
                           encroached in that closed space among those boulders. Soon,  dawn  broke
                           and I could see a whole new spectrum of light and feel a whole new set of
                           aspirations  bubbling  inside  me,  and  the  enthusiasm  in  my  body  was
                           astonishing. I could feel the wholeness again. There was contentment and
                           peace in my head. Something I had been seeking for ages.
                                   There was something between me and Virat.
                                   Some would say it was chemistry but if you looked deep inside the
                           chemistry  then  there  was  a  mingling  of  energies  creating  a  spectrum  of
                           happy  colours,  giggling  and  laughing,  lifting  our  moods  suddenly.  The
                           laughter came easily, the happiness radiated on the skin, and life was bliss.
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