Page 122 - Love Story of a Commando
P. 122

romance and what not.
                                   ‘Yes!’ he replied briefly and then turned towards me and said, ‘Hey
                           Riya! Meet Captain Vaibhav, he is junior to me but we did our NSG training
                                   ‘Hi!’ I said rather awkwardly.
                                   ‘Hey ma’am! I must say sir is super lucky to keep on meeting such
                           pretty faces all the time while chasing terrorists. And here I am so short on
                           luck that I get to protect old or bald men all the time, sometimes with huge
                           paunches. Not that they are not important but I never got to save a pretty girl
                           during any of my operations. Ha ha!’ He looked so excited stating all this
                           while I was wondering how many more pretty faces Virat had met.
                                   ‘Pretty faces all the times? If I may ask, how many more such faces
                           have crossed paths with Virat.’ I rolled my eyes.
                                   All that vulnerability was long gone and the possessive girlfriend was
                           back again.
                                   ‘Oye! Shut it! Okay! Riya, he is just kidding. Don’t mind. And you,
                           Vaibhav ji, don’t forget we are in PoK. In fact, last night I had an encounter
                           with two militants there.’ He gestured towards the caves above.
                                   A shiver ran down my spine remembering last night’s events and I
                           was quiet once again.
                                   ‘That looks like a kind of watch tower arrangement there. It means
                           we are close to some terror launch pads in the area and we must hurry. As
                           soon  as  their  fellow  friend  detects  it  they  will  surely  come  down  here,’
                           Vaibhav said seriously.
                                   ‘Yes! Let’s move! Where are the para guys?’ he said.
                                   ‘They are keeping a watch on these rocks and waiting for our signal
                           to move,’ Vaibhav replied.
                                   Virat picked up his semi-automatic MP5 submachine gun again. He
                           checked  the  magazine  and  then  signalled  for  us  to  move.  This  time  we
                           moved in a formation.
                                   I  was  walking  almost  in  a  semicircle  surrounded  by  all  three  men
                           with their MP5  submachine guns  aimed at an unknown  enemy. Virat was
                           behind me and the other two NSG guys were on my left and right. This kind
                           of  security  attention  made  me  nervous  but  I  managed  to  climb  down  the
                           rocks somehow, fumbling sometimes.
                                   The emptiness you feel over the barren mountains and the echoing
                           feeling of your insignificance is dramatically changed once you come back
                           to the plains; lush greenery not only feels welcoming but also allows you to
                           be a part of it. That is how I felt once we reached the bottom. Surprisingly I
                           was not scared anymore. The nervousness was replaced by astonishment.
                                   I saw at least six men come out of the bushes once we reached the
                           pre-decided spot and all of them were in pathani suits and pherans, perfect
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