Page 121 - Love Story of a Commando
P. 121

machine guns in their hands and exuded the same kind of deadliness as Virat
                           in spite of being disguised as locals.
                                   Dark and dreaded!
                                   I slid behind Virat, suddenly conscious of my vulnerability.
                                   ‘Captain Virat! So good to see you! We have been asked to conduct a
                           friendly extraction of you along with the package as soon as possible. The
                           hostile environment does not permit a helicopter to land here and we have to
                           cover  around  two  miles  back  to  Indian  borders  on  feet,’  one  of  the
                           commandos conveyed the official order in a very professional manner.
                                   ‘What? Indian borders?’ He looked shocked.
                                   ‘Yes, sir! We are in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. The ruins were the
                           last  Indian  grounds  just  before  the  LOC  and  you  have  somehow  entered
                           PoK. The senior command is worried about your safety and we have been
                           ordered to bring you back at any cost,’ the other commando said.
                                   ‘I  thought the GPS  showed  coordinates to Indian terrain. How  did
                           you guys reach us then?’ he asked.
                                   ‘These are occupied lands with no international recognition so maybe
                           their de facto status created the confusion with the coordinates. This mission
                           is beyond standard search and rescue operations and we were asked to rescue
                           you  behind  the  enemy  lines.  Headquarters  had  to  invoke  several  new
                           protocols  for  initiating  this  rescue  mission.  The  para  commandos  posted
                           around  the  area  were  ordered  to  carry  out  a  joint  operation  with  us  and
                           provide complete support for your extraction,’ he said.
                                   ‘Oh!  Too much trouble especially when  we  are with the lady.’  He
                           turned towards me.
                                   ‘How about the weapons?’ He turned around again and asked him.
                                   ‘Weapons are no issues. We’ve got enough time to gear up, in fact
                           paras are carrying two weapon totes with them along with a rocket launcher.’
                           He smiled.
                                   ‘What?  Why  the  hell  did  you  carry  a  holy  fucking  launcher  with
                           you?’ He looked startled.
                                   ‘The  paras  carried  it  being  our  local  guides  and  we  could  not
                           intervene much. They keep on crossing this side of the LOC and said you
                           never know when you need to shred the bastards into pieces.’ This time he
                           let out a laugh.
                                   ‘Okay! Looks like you have got everything covered here. By the way
                           Vaibhav meet Riya!’ He gestured towards me.
                                   ‘Hello ma’am! Nice to meet you. Wait! You said Riya, sir? The Riya
                           from the Taj? The same one whose photo you carry in your wallet?’ His eyes
                           were wide.
                                   I  turned  red  and  gazed  downwards.  It  was  all  getting  so
                           embarrassing.  Shit!  These  deadly  looking  guys  know  all  about  our  little
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