Page 44 - Love Story of a Commando
P. 44

the world. It surely meant something. Isn’t it crazy to think that I just made
                           love to a stranger in a building that is under terrorist attack?
                                   Women are attached emotionally with this whole love-making thing,
                           unlike men for whom it might just be another chance. For us, intimacy is not
                           purely physical, it is an act of connecting with someone so deeply that you
                           feel  you  can  look  into  his  very  soul.  There  is  even  a  word  for  it  in  the
                           dictionary,  it  is  called  ‘Demisexual  (n)  a  person  who  does  not  experience
                           sexual  attraction  unless  they  form  a  strong  emotional  connection  with
                           someone.’ All women are demisexual in all probability and I would rather
                           not comment on the other sex.
                                   I watched him for a really long time while he was hiding low in the
                           balcony and trying to assess the situation.
                                   I  was  so  absorbed  thinking  about  him,  oblivious  to  the  passage  of
                           time that I did not even realize when he stood beside me, clutched my wrists
                           and  started  moving  towards  the  exit  door.  His  grip  was  so  tight  that  I
                           whimpered. He turned his face towards me and noticed two little drops of
                           tears making their way out of my eyes and suddenly loosened his grip.
                                   ‘Oh, I am sorry. It’s just, in the heat of the moment I did not realize
                           my grasp was causing pain,’ he said.
                                   ‘It’s okay. It is nothing. Where are we going?’ I sighed with relief
                           more for getting back his attention than because his loosened grip.
                                   ‘I just contacted my teammates and they have given me a location to
                           reach them in the lower corridors from where they have just rescued a few of
                           the hostages and are importing them out of the hotel. I just have to ensure a
                           safe route and then you can easily be out of this terror,’ he said.
                                   ‘Okay! Can I ask you one more thing? Of course, if you don’t mind!’
                           I asked slowly.
                                   ‘What?’ he said.
                                   ‘Did  you  not  miss  me  even  for  a  second?  I  tried  to  find  you
                           everywhere on Facebook, Twitter even Tumblr but you are nowhere. Also,
                           you had my number and you could have reached me easily…’ I said.
                                   ‘Hmm…  Looks  like  somebody  has  been  stalking  me.  You  creepy
                           little stalker!’ he said and smirked.
                                   ‘Well, what else do you expect me to do? The guy who promised me
                           a  cup  of  coffee  disappeared  without  a  goodbye.  I  thought  we  shared  the
                           spark,’ I said curtly.
                                   His smile fell and he said, ‘I was bound with official commitments
                           and could not meet you in spite of longing for it every single day. I just told
                           you everything. Then I was appointed as a commando in the Special Action
                           Group of NSG and have been busy with all sorts of operations and trainings
                           that I felt it would be useless calling you when I cannot even promise you
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