Page 46 - Love Story of a Commando
P. 46

7. Clash of the Killers

                           He  was  moving  swiftly,  alert  and  sharp.  His  MP5  submachine  gun  was
                           always a step ahead of him, clenched tightly between his palms like a trusted
                           aide. The corridors were lonely and an eerie silence had befallen the place.
                           The lull was ripped by a fusillade of gunshots once again only to be followed
                           by deafening silence.
                                   Above us, the central dome was burning and fire seemed to envelop
                           most of the hotel.
                                   I  shrieked  as  I  stumbled  upon  a  few  dead  bodies  in  the  same
                           restaurant that I’d dinner at some time ago. It was a ghastly scene; blood
                           everywhere, bits of flesh and body parts splattered across the floor. It was
                           savagely  violent  to  see  bullet-ridden  bodies  slumped  all  around.  A  few
                           bodies looked like they had been mutilated and tortured too. The place was
                           reeking with the stink of fast decomposing bodies.
                                   The terrorists had no religion and cared about nothing.
                                   It was as if humanity did not exist anymore and an apocalypse had
                           descended. As I passed by two foreigners lying in a pool of their own blood,
                           I puked violently. They had been brutally murdered and had bullets in their
                           backs.  Perhaps  they  were  shot  down  while  trying  to  escape  the  monsters.
                           There  does  not  exist  a  word  in  the  dictionary  that  could  describe  the
                           barbarism of this urban warfare.
                                   Religious teachings and human ethics raise us to be human beings
                           who  don’t  believe  in  killing  each  other  because  it  is  a  sin  worthy  of
                           condemnation. Taking a life is something so consequential that it is decided
                           only by the Almighty. It is only God who decides who will die and who will
                           remain. How could someone fight in the name of God when actually they are
                           challenging his authority? God loves his creations and reserves all the rights
                           to sustain or destroy; nobody has the right to claim anybody’s life.
                                   Such is the value of human life! It is sacred and pious!
                                   Are they human or am I justified in calling them demons? Is it not a
                           ghastly story of mental dysfunction, social failure, grotesque narcissism and
                           temptation of apocalyptic delusions?
                                   Virat held my hand throughout, as we made our way silently.
                                   Suddenly,  there  was  another  round  of  explosions  and  firing  taking
                           place nearby and Virat grabbed my waist, making me duck under a deserted
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