Page 48 - Love Story of a Commando
P. 48

chandeliers all across the ceiling—the effect was devastating. The shining
                           chandeliers  shattered  into  millions  of  sharp  glass  pieces  with  mini
                           explosions. They proved to be deadly and we could hear him growling in
                                   Virat now came out of hiding and opened fire on him with full force.
                           The  terrorist  tried  to  storm  into  a  nearby  room  seeking  cover  but  Virat
                           continued firing. He fell to the ground howling and screaming only to die a
                           brutal death.
                                   It was over within minutes and those minutes proved the longest time
                           of my life and taught me a great lesson. To respect time in seconds! After all
                           these are the fractions of time that decide life or death or sometimes shatter
                           your  existing  identity.  The  world  we  live  in  is  a  complete  myth  and  in  a
                           matter of seconds it can change forever shattering your entire existence into
                           bits and pieces.
                                   Time is the only truth.
                                   I was shivering uncontrollably when he dropped his gun and wrapped
                           his arms all around me. He pressed me into his chest like a baby and put his
                           nose in my hair. Even though I felt a lot more secure I was still trembling
                           and whimpering in terror. He knew that.
                                   The violence pierced through my soul and even though I knew I was
                           safe, the unsettling feeling refused to leave me alone. It kept coming back to
                           haunt me. I was helpless.
                                   ‘Look at me. Look at me,’ he whispered and I glanced up.
                                   Our  eyes  locked  and  we  were  lost  for  a  moment.  His  eyes  were
                           intense, concerned but still dark, heavy with some unfathomable emotions
                           while mine were drowned in an ocean of tears. It is strange how much eyes
                           can talk when words don’t find their way through our lips.
                                   ‘It’s over. You are safe. You are going home,’ he whispered again.
                                   I was dragged back to reality.
                                   Home? This is home. Your arms feel very much like home. Isn’t it?
                           Where am I heading to? What is going on? Something is not right.
                                   The mental trauma was now taking over me and I felt delusional and
                                   Perhaps he knew and he nodded distractedly, altering his stance only
                           to scoop me up in his arms and carry me into a washroom nearby. There he
                           ran the tap and put my head very carefully under the cool water. The gushing
                           water awakened my senses and pulled me back to reality and I moved my
                           head away, feeling embarrassed. The lengths he was having to go for me!
                                   For the first time in a very long time he broke into a smile.
                                   ‘You know you are looking funny. I mean don’t take it personally,
                           but you remind me of a scary witch straight out of the Harry Potter movies.’
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