Page 52 - Love Story of a Commando
P. 52

each other as we cried, thanking God for saving us and mourning the deaths
                           that we witnessed.
                                   We  were  changed  people  now.  Nothing  could  have  been  a  more
                           brutal life event than this.
                                   As soon as I had gone to the bathroom my friends heard the gunshots
                           and  were  warned  by  the  stewards  to  evacuate  the  restaurant.  Two  of  the
                           stewards ushered most of the guests towards the fire exit staircases which led
                           them  directly  out.  There  were  still  some  guests  left  at  the  restaurant  who
                           refused to go out despite constant pleading from the stewards. There were
                           two more stewards who decided to stay with the guests willingly and God
                           knows  what  happened  to  them.  Once  out,  my  nervous  friends  fled  after
                           waiting for me for some time.
                                   Frankly, they thought I was dead by now.
                                   None of us were going to be the same ever. The effervescence and
                           warmth that existed amongst us were lost like dew in the sun.
                                   Nidhi could not sleep comfortably after that incident. Gaurav chose
                           to be silent about it, like it never happened. Dipti would eat, sleep, cry and
                           repeat  the  pattern  and  chose  to  wrap  herself  into  a  cocoon  which  never
                           opened after that. It was as if we never existed for her. We could never be
                           sure about Swami as he left the city the very next day without even bidding
                           us goodbye.
                                   And I?
                                   I would be drowning in my misery every single second. The agony of
                           losing him would burn me each moment. My arms would be sweaty all the
                           time, my heart palpitating and eyes would be bloodshot. Losing Virat once
                           again,  that  too  after  living  an  eternity  inside  those  burning  corridors,  was
                           brutal. The hope would linger in the middle of the night but would soon be
                           replaced by sobs.
                                   The fight between humanity and terrorist brutality continued for one
                           more day, eventually leading to ten terrorists being killed mercilessly by the
                           NSG commandos and one being captured alive by the policemen. A team of
                           Navy Marcos had also played a pivotal role before the specialized NSG team
                           arrived,  in  securing  the  arena  and  cordoning  the  Taj  hotel  once  the  terror
                           attacks were confirmed. Reports revealed that the terrorists armed with AK-
                           47s,  grenades,  pistols  and  other  explosives  entered  the  city  through  the
                           Arabian  Sea  and  split  into  pairs  of  small  kill  teams  with  a  sole  aim  to
                           annihilate the city.
                                   Had it not been for our armed forces, Mumbai could have turned into
                           a graveyard but they could not cause the levels of damage as expected by
                           their handlers, all due to our armed forces who stand vehemently between
                           death  and  people,  whenever  an  enemy  threatens  the  sovereignty  of  our
                           nation or risk to civilian lives rises. All because it is not just a job but an oath
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