Page 51 - Love Story of a Commando
P. 51

cheerful  hooting  and  giggles  all  around.  He  stood  there  transfixed,
                           embarrassed, cheeks blushing red, highlighted more in his black uniform. I
                           released him as soon as I realized what was going on around, embarrassed.
                                   ‘Hey mate, looks like you are doing more than just saving lives,’ one
                           of the commandos chuckled.
                                   Virat took a step forward, held me in his arms and kissed me. An
                           applause went through the crowds but all I could see was his handsome face.
                                   Then he broke the trance and said, ‘Please go! Be safe! I will find
                                   Human  emotions  like  love,  laughter,  humility  and  concern  inject
                           incredible  strength  in  you  to  go  beyond  the  darkness  created  by  hatred,
                           atrocity  and  revenge.  Even  during  the  darkest  hour  of  massacre,
                           hopelessness,  narcissism  or  holocaust,  these  feelings  have  sustained
                           humanity and kept it alive or the world would have buried under the ashes of
                           hatred long ago.
                                   I moved back to my queue and was taken out of the hotel soon after.
                                   There  was  a  huge  crowd  of  the  friends  and  families  of  the  hotel
                           guests  gathered  outside  the  hotel  along  with  numerous  media  channels.
                           There was stiff competition going on among media personnel to report every
                           single  moment  of  the  situation  regardless  of  the  safety  of  the  people  and
                           status of the ongoing operation.
                                   It  was  a  race  above  human  sentiments  where  each  one  of  them
                           wanted to succeed.
                                   I  looked  around  and  saw  numerous  police  vans  and  army  buses
                           parked outside the barricades placed within the perimeter of the hotel. There
                           were many policemen and commandos taking cover among the shrubs and
                           trees surrounding the stone promenade along the seashore. There were some
                           more policemen simply to hold back the people from going near the hotel
                           beyond  a  fixed  distance.  There  were  many  women  and  children  rescued,
                           sobbing and crying out of hunger and panic. There were other people who
                           had made it out of the hotel, but their friends or relatives were still trapped
                           inside. A few were just onlookers whose curiosity had got the better of them.
                                   I  got  to  know  that  there  were  other  terrorists  attacks  happening  in
                           other parts of Mumbai and forces were trying to minimize the damage, save
                           innocent  lives  and  fight  back.  The  51  Special  Action  Group  of  NSG
                           commandos  that  specialized  in  counter  terrorism  and  hostage  rescue
                           missions had especially flown down from New Delhi.
                                   I shuddered realizing that I had survived two days of bloody chaos
                           inside the hotel.
                                   I really cannot recall how I got back to the safety of my flat where I
                           was reunited with my friends. Miraculously all of us were alive. We hugged
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