Page 53 - Love Story of a Commando
P. 53

for them. The years of blood, sweat, toil and training our soldiers undertook
                           demand them to be the warriors their nation needs. They risk their lives so
                           that we can enjoy the liberties of being in the nation of the free.
                                   And, you know a little secret, it is a soldier who prays for peace the
                           most, for it is the soldier who suffers and bears the deepest wounds of a war.
                                   My soldier was lost again, leaving me behind to cry, to wait, to curse
                           and not to live as I should. The terrorists’ rampage gripped the stunned city
                           and held the world in horrified thrall. The terrorists roamed freely, killing at
                           random, mocking our desperation to save lives. Innocent people were used
                           as  a  human  shield  and  many  were  taken  hostage  and  later  killed.  The
                           aftermath  resulted  in  more  than  a  hundred  lives  lost  including  those  of
                           common people, dignitaries, security personnel and foreigners.
                                   The  commandos  rescued  more  than  eight  hundred  lives  inside  the
                           hotel  and  many  more  outside.  The  policemen  lost  many  of  their  brilliant
                           officers while trying their best to save the city. A few commandos were also
                           killed and my heart would skip a beat every time the dead and deceased list
                           would be shown on TV.
                                   As they say, every cloud has a silver lining ; Mumbai stood united
                           and came out of the attack and the whole world prayed for it. The unknown
                           faces  became  the  exemplary  examples  of  humanity  who  rose,  shone  and
                           helped  others  during  the  hours  of  distress.  There  were  many  people  who
                           saved  others  sacrificing  their  own  lives.  Ordinary  people  showed
                           magnificent hospitality to those in need and united against the demons going
                           beyond caste, creed and religion. The doctors, nurses, police and everybody
                           else  present  in  the  city  worked  with  full  force  even  in  the  wake  of  terror
                           threats. It was like the entire city versus the terrorists who were hell bent on
                           wrecking Mumbai to its core.
                                   It  was  an  attack  on  humanity,  not  just  on  Mumbai,  and  humanity
                           won, defeating the atrocities and flashing the message loud and clear that
                           humanity will prevail …forever!
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