Page 58 - Love Story of a Commando
P. 58

be  brutal  and  the  romance  between  the  coffee  mug  and  my  lips,  which
                           insisted on long soothing sips, were broken down by the annoying ringtone
                           of my cell phone. I hated the call that moment. It was from Mr Durrani, the
                                   Even before I could say hello, his stiff voice filled the phone. ‘Where
                           are you? I have been waiting for the past five minutes.’
                                   Five minutes? Really? He sounded like it was the end of the world.
                                   ‘I  am  just  coming.  I  thought  you’d  arrive  by  11  a.m.  but  it’s  just
                           10:45  and  I  thought…’  I  stopped  mid-sentence  and  realized  he  had
                           disconnected the phone already.
                                   I left my half sipped coffee and untouched sandwich and rushed out.
                           It  is  not  every  day  that  such  delicious  little  delicacies  get  such  a  rough
                           treatment by their sophisticated buyers.
                                   When I finally reached the arrival gates of Terminal 1 it took me no
                           time to locate the stocky short man with extremely fair complexion. He had
                           an  imperfectly  placed  paunch  which  looked  rather  funny  on  his  stocky
                           stature. But he was quite muscular, which I guess is characteristic of people
                           from  the  mountains.  His  grey  hair  was  combed  neatly  and  his  facial  hair
                           were trimmed. He was dressed in a civil servant attire—a pitch black suit
                           and a black tie over a white shirt with a small briefcase in his hands. He did
                           not realize one thing—that the hot and humid Mumbai weather would roast
                           him in his suit. The beefy, bull-necked official was  rolling his eyes while
                           looking at his wristwatch the whole time.
                                   Nothing remotely similar to my idea of a sleek-looking government
                           officer gathered over the years through Ajay Devgan movies. Sigh !
                                   ‘Hello sir!’ I put my hand out for a handshake.
                                   He  narrowed  his  eyes  for  a  moment  and  grasped  my  hand  rather
                                   The way you shake hands with someone speaks a lot about you. For
                           instance,  the  palm  down  handshake,  when  your  palm  is  turned  to  face
                           downwards,  projects  immediate  authority  and  domination  over  the  other
                           person. I read in a self-improvement book called Good Grooming and How
                           It Affects Your Social Relationships. If it is to be believed then it was not
                           even two seconds and we already had negative vibes between us. What was
                           he expecting me to do? Salute?
                                   For two minutes straight we shook each other’s hands and broke it
                           uncomfortably only to observe two more minutes of uncertain silence before
                           I decided to take control of the situation. After all, what is the use of being
                           an urban, liberated, free-spirited professional girl if I cannot even deal with
                           petty handshakes.
                                   ‘Welcome  to  the  city,  Mr  Durrani,’  I  said,  breaking  the
                           uncomfortable silence.
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