Page 59 - Love Story of a Commando
P. 59

‘Hmm!’ Was that all he could utter?
                                   Sheer disbelief was floating in my eyes, yet I was not ready to give
                           up. Do or die!
                                   ‘So  what  are  your  plans,  Mr  Durrani?  Do  you  want  to  drop  your
                           luggage in your hotel-room or would you just like to go to the servers,’ I
                           asked in a very businesslike manner.
                                   ‘Servers.’ One single word!
                                   Poor me! Eyes still wide in disbelief.
                                   ‘Would  you  like  to  accompany  me  in  my  car  or  do  you  have  an
                           arrangement?’ I asked again, not ready to give up.
                                   If chivalry is a word then he surely was not aware of it.
                                   Instead of replying, he took out his mobile phone, pressed the keypad
                           and growled, ‘Yes!’ That was it.
                                   Not even a single second passed and a white Hindustan Ambassador
                           car  flashing  a  red  beacon  screeched  to  a  stop  near  us  and  two  police
                           personnel  jumped  out  of  the  still  moving  car  and  saluted  him  crisply.  I
                           stumbled a bit and flinched, totally dazzled by the quick events. He got into
                           the Ambassador and uttered a single word ‘come’ without even turning back.
                           I followed him at once, not thinking about my own driver and car which was
                           in the parking area.
                                   There  was  utter  silence  inside  the  car  and  right  then,  typical  of
                           Mumbai weather, it began to mist just enough for the car windshield wipes
                           to  skip  and  hop  like  a  tap  dancer  as  we  moved  steadily  towards  our
                           destination. The rain in Mumbai is beautiful. Then the petrichor emanating
                           from the roads and soil delights the olfactory receptors! I was tempted to roll
                           down the car window and stick my face outside and let the breeze play with
                           my hair, but I decided against it, sighed and let that thought go, with a very
                           austere Mr Durrani projecting a rigidly puritanical outlook sitting just beside
                                   Our  ride  to  the  data  servers  was  in  silence,  save  the  swish  of  the
                           windshield wipers!
                                   We  finally  reached  the  data  server  building  which  was  situated  in
                           Navi Mumbai Mahape IT Park. Navi Mumbai is a very well planned city and
                           known to be the hub of software-based companies that acted as IT solution
                           providers,  providing  software,  hardware,  data  centre  services  or  website
                           hosting solutions or many other services to offshore clients while the desi
                           employees would also be recruited by the same multinational companies as
                           cheap work force for clients abroad. These are some high security and highly
                           energized zones of Mumbai, known as the ‘Silicon Valley of Mumbai’.
                                   Our technology-enhanced flagship office building was a state-of-the-
                           art nine-storey office built on the highest security zone of the IT park where
                           most government or intelligence offices were situated.
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