Page 62 - Love Story of a Commando
P. 62

9. Life after Him

                           The next day Mr Durrani flew back to Kashmir. Before leaving, he gave me
                           a carefully sealed envelope to be handed over to the same tech guys. He told
                           me to guard the envelope with my life or so I thought from whatever I could
                           make out of his terse words. No goodbyes, good evening or even a smile, Mr
                           Durrani hurriedly turned around and left.
                                   Nobody, I repeat nobody, had ever treated me like that!
                                   I would ask for a different project if I had to deal with clients like
                           him, I decided. With vengeance in my heart, I headed straight to the data
                           server and literally tossed the envelope on Raghav’s table, once I got hold of
                                   ‘Woohoo! Hey what happened? Miss Sunshine, you look angry.’ He
                                   Actually Raghav and I had been friends for a while. We joined the
                           company  almost  at  the  same  time  and  we  had  a  few  management  classes
                           together  where  I  shared  my  bench  with  him  for  team  management
                                   ‘I am pissed,’ I replied.
                                   ‘Why?’ He looked puzzled.
                                   ‘This Mr Durrani, the same guy you met yesterday, is getting on my
                           nerves,’ I said.
                                   ‘Yeah? He has left I guess. He is quite reserved, but if I may say so,
                           nothing looks offensive enough to piss you off unless he actually proposed
                           to you on his knees.’ He chuckled.
                                   ‘Really?’ I stared hard at him.
                                   ‘Sorry! What happened?’ He pretended to be serious.
                                   ‘Yaar, I wasted all of yesterday running his errands and trying my
                           best to make him feel comfortable but all I get is this lousy envelope to be
                           delivered to you guys, and he never even thanked me. All the while, he made
                           me feel like a lousy errand boy! Imagine!’ I said it all under my breath.
                                   ‘Haha! He does not look that bad. In fact, he was quite pleased with
                           our work.’
                                   ‘Yeah! Yeah!’ I pouted.
                                   His  fingers  were  playing  with  the  tapes  on  the  envelope  while  he
                           conversed with me. My mood was already scaling towards the happier side
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