Page 64 - Love Story of a Commando
P. 64

own democratic way away from the hue and cry of human rights activists or
                           media glare. Or maybe the government does not want the enemy country to
                           speak to the UN about the failed governance in the Valley,’ he said.
                                   ‘Whatever! You see how brutal this information is? It is definitely
                           not for public knowledge,’ he emphasized.
                                   I did not say anything. Maybe I was in a state where the mind stops
                           processing  the  facts  only  because  of  the  sudden  outburst  of  too  much
                                   ‘There  could  be  opportunists  who  will  misuse  such  classified
                           information to propel their propaganda and divide the nation, there are many
                           media channels on Pakistani payrolls to exaggerate the whole issue. Promise
                           me! You won’t discuss this with anyone. It would not be good for any of us,’
                           he said, looking me straight in my eye.
                                   ‘I…I promise!’ I said.
                                   ‘Now let’s go before anybody notices. Leave like nothing happened!
                           Please don’t fall or swoon or anything like that. You can do all that from the
                           luxury  of  your  couch.  Sob,  cry  out  loud,  break  things,  question  the
                           Almighty’s presence in your solitude or anything else you feel like, but not
                           here. You are already looking pale.’ He tried to lighten things.
                                   I smiled meekly and nodded obediently.
                                   I left silently. I don’t know what pushed me all the way to keep me
                           moving normally. Once home, I drank one whole bottle of water to quench
                           my thirst and agony both. Then I sat naked under the shower, drenched, and
                           leaned  my  head  against  the  shower  wall,  exhausted.  I  took  a  really  long
                           shower and lifted my face to the cold water as if it would wash away all the
                           sadness my heart was holding now. When I emerged from the shower it was
                           quite dark. My stomach was rumbling but I did not feel like eating. I nestled
                           down into the bed and fell asleep.
                                   In the morning, I got a call from Raghav, enquiring about my well-
                           being.  He  said,  ‘I  know  how  it  feels  the  first  time,  Riya,  and  so  I  am
                                   I did not say anything.
                                   He continued, ‘Take a day off from work and hang out with some
                           friends  or  just  have  a  drink.  At  least  this  was  what  I  did  to  keep  my
                           depression at bay.’
                                   He  told  me  that  he  had  contacted  Mr  Durrani  to  ask  why  he  had
                           risked giving the envelope to me, and he had said that I looked sincere to
                           him. His source met him that morning only and he could not risk taking it
                           back to Kashmir, plus he was pretty aware of our security clearances. All
                           such pictures were burnt and destroyed once uploaded into the system.
                                   Raghav once again asked me never to speak to anyone about it.
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