Page 49 - Love Story of a Commando
P. 49

‘What?  It  is  personal.  How  rude  of  you  to  say  that!  By  the  way
                           you’re looking like some lowly paid body double of Gabbar Singh straight
                           out of Sholay ,’ I retorted.
                                   ‘Come  on!  Gabbar?  Oh,  come  on!  Many  girls  say  that  I  look  like
                           Brad Pitt. But you? You should have a look in the mirror.’ And he grasped
                           me by my shoulders and turned me towards the mirror.
                                   I looked like a disaster.
                                   My hair was all wet and lumpy by the weight of all the dust particles
                           that had cozily settled in there. They looked like noodles hanging from my
                           head. Then my face was no better with a few cuts and bruises here and there.
                           My beautiful silky halter top now looked skimpy and my feet were without
                           any  shoes.  The  Steve  Madden  sneakers  were  long  lost.  Losing  them  was
                           almost  worse  than  facing  the  hail  of  bullets  from  an  unknown  terrorist.  I
                           loved them so much.
                                   I looked like hell.
                                   In  a  struggle  to  accept  my  looks  I  finally  broke  into  continuous
                                   He joined me and we laughed for a long time. And then I swallowed
                           and broke down into tears. A lump in my throat swelled as I recalled my
                           anguish just a moment before. He hurriedly moved towards me and swept
                           me into a big bear hug.
                                   ‘Hey! It’s okay. It’s all right. You are safe. Don’t cry. Why do you
                           girls cry so much?’ he said, running his index finger down my cheek.
                                   ‘How mean! I am scared.’ I punched him.
                                   ‘I  know.  On  a  serious  note,  I  feel  you  are  very  brave.  I  could  not
                           imagine anyone else handling this theatre of reckless killing better than you.
                           It takes guts to handle blood and bullets for the first time. But you did great,
                           we are on the correct escape route and really close to the rest of my pack.
                           Soon you will be out safely. Trust me.’ His voice filled me with courage and
                           I nodded obediently.
                                   He released me from the comfort of his arms, picked up his gun and
                           moved out of the washroom determinedly.
                                   Stealthily he kept moving down and up staircases, corridors and open
                           areas of the hotel. We crossed a few open lawn areas before entering another
                           side  of  that  once  magnificent  hotel  which  was  now  shedding  tears  of
                           destruction, with fires blazing here and there. At one point we even sighted
                           half a dozen dead bodies lying along a narrow staircase. It was sickening and
                           utterly sad at the same time. Who would have thought that the city’s symbol
                           of opulence would turn into a haunted house in a matter of seconds.
                                   It was heartbreaking.
                                   He  talked  to  his  teammates  through  his  advanced  audio
                           communication set to confirm the location. There was still gunfire going on
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