Page 93 - Love Story of a Commando
P. 93

windows  and  ornate  pillars  were  reflecting  the  fresh  varnish.  The
                           snowcapped mountains were glowing in the sunlight, the chinar trees were
                           standing tall in their golden glory, while the cold air smelt of saffron harvest.
                           The chinar trees were changing their colours and turning a dusty shade of
                           red before shedding their leaves. The typical Kashmiri autumn day felt more
                           pleasant than usual.
                                   This is the Kashmir of our dreams and it is not an illusion anymore.
                           The  good  days  are  here.  The  future  generations  would  prosper,  and  the
                           bloodshed will be a thing of the past. I smiled as the Kashmir of my country
                           leapt before me in its full glory.
                                   The halting screech of the black Mercedes interrupted my thoughts.
                           We stepped out of the car and saw a huge crowd gathered along with Mr
                           Khan. He presented the prime minister a gorgeous bouquet of fresh Kashmiri
                           flowers, which he humbly accepted only to pass it to his staff.
                                   The  prime  minister  was  deep  inside  the  security  bubble  and  NSG
                           guards  with  masked  faces  were  marching,  waving  their  guns.  We  were
                           walking just a few steps behind him. I was happy in spite of all those black
                           uniforms around me. I smiled and glanced at the Tiranga inside the school
                           premises ready to be hoisted by the prime minister.
                                   What a rare honour!
                                   But suddenly there was a shift in the air. And next second, there was
                           a loud bang. An explosion!
                                   There was a whistle of splinters as the glass from the school windows
                           exploded and a suffocating mix of powder and dust covered the venue. We
                           were  blown  off  our  feet.  Before  I  could  make  out  what  had  happened,
                           another smaller explosion went off somewhere in the school building.
                                   And then I understood what had happened.
                                   It was an attempt to assassinate the prime minister!!
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