Page 97 - Love Story of a Commando
P. 97

There were more statues of various Gods and Goddess and their disciples.
                           Even though the statues were damaged they exuded a regal mystery.
                                   It  was  then  that  I  heard  a  loud  footstep  nearby  and  I  hid  myself
                           behind the gigantic Shiva statue, holding my breath and standing steadily. A
                           few  moments  passed  and  I  peeked  out  to  find  no  one.  Heaving  a  sigh  of
                           relief, I turned around and suddenly saw the devil in black, with a gun in his
                           hand just beside me, staring at me intently.  My  jaw dropped, there was  a
                           knot of dread in my stomach and a shriek came out of my mouth.
                                   I tried to run again, but this time he gripped my arms and pulled me
                           towards him. I found myself staring into his eyes, his warm breath on my
                           face,  and  suddenly  my  nerves  tingled,  like  always.  There  was  a  strong
                           current floating around in the air generating a palpable heat that was igniting
                           ferocious intensity.
                                   He  pulled  off  the  mask  and  there  it  was…him…my  apocalypse
                           standing right before me!
                                   My world exploded once again.
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