Page 94 - Love Story of a Commando
P. 94

13. That Stranger Again

                           Suddenly,  there  were  people  running  around,  howling  and  shouting.  In  a
                           fraction of a second, gunfire went off and then maddening chaos ensued. I
                           could  see  people  terribly  wounded  by  the  explosion  and  dying  shortly
                                   I was enveloped by smoke and ashes, but luckily I was not hurt.
                                   Nothing  was  visible  at  that  moment  but  I  wanted  to  check  if  the
                           prime  minister  was  fine  and  I  ran  towards  the  school  at  once,  where  the
                           explosions had happened just a moment ago. Suddenly, someone pulled me
                           back by my arm rather gently and a million sparks flew across and a jolt
                           passed through my entire body.
                                   My body temperature suddenly shot up, the hair on the back of my
                           neck stood up, my heart beat faster, the high voltage jolt turned my body into
                           an  inferno.  The  current  resonated  not  just  in  the  skin  but  deep  inside  the
                                   I could make out the person behind that touch which was one in a
                                   I turned around and saw a masked face with glaring red eyes. Our
                           eyes were locked for an intense moment. A tingling sensation swept across
                           my  soul.  It  shook  me  to  the  core.  No!  Not  again!  I  struggled  to  remove
                           myself  from  his  grip.  I  wanted  to  go  inside  the  school  desperately  now,
                           running far away from the man behind the mask, the same man who had
                           ruined my life every single time I met him.
                                   I broke away from his grip, stepped back and ran a few steps, but he
                           reached out and grabbed me again. I  tried to push  him away and writhed
                           violently  but  that  devil  in  black  did  not  move  an  inch.  He  hissed  and
                           tightened his grip around my arms and dragged me away this time.
                                   I was shouting now, ‘Leave me! I said, leave me!’
                                   But the utter chaos prevailing muffled my voice and it proved to be
                           of no good. People were running to and fro. I yanked and jerked his arm.
                           The grip loosened and I released myself from his grip and ran quickly back
                           towards the school. But he reached me in a minute and held me in a strong
                           grip, raising me above the ground and locking another arm around my neck.
                           He pulled me up straight into his arms.
                                   I was trapped now.
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