Page 95 - Love Story of a Commando
P. 95

‘Leave me! Leave me!’ I was shouting, but he did not pay any heed.
                                   His hazel eyes looked dark and fathomless, and he tightened his grip
                           around  me.  Our  gazes  met  and  for  a  second  the  world  was  swallowed  in
                           darkness. I squirmed a little, still in his arms, and inhaled deeply. My heart
                           was racing once again and my palms were sweaty now.
                                   This man always had an effect on me, and I hated myself for that!
                                   The bombs were still exploding, bullets were still firing but he was
                           moving swiftly, making moves, taking turns now, all the while carrying me
                           like  a  rubber  doll.  His  gait  was  like  an  Olympic  runner  and  he  strode
                           effortlessly even with all his weapons, gear and me. He found a jeep with
                           logs of wood piled high in the back. He instantly pushed me inside the jeep,
                           slammed the door behind me and started the engine.
                                   As the jeep began to move, I looked around to take in the view of the
                           place where I had spent the last several months. But I was startled by the
                           chaotic  barrage  of  images  around:  the  sirens  of  police  cars,  soldiers  and
                           policemen  running,  ducking,  firing  at  the  terrorists,  smoke  rising  from
                           exploding  tear  gas  shells,  resounding  echoes  of  their  gunfire,  grenade
                           explosions and utter chaos.
                                   It was too much to process. I became numb suddenly and blacked
                                   I was awoken by a sharp jerk to my body. When I sat up, I realized
                           that I was still in the jeep which was continuing its bumpy ride through the
                           steep tracks of the forested area with deep valleys on both sides. The road
                           had  become  less  bumpy,  but  the  turns  became  sharper.  We  swerved
                           dangerously  with  each  turn,  again  and  again.  Suddenly  the  jeep  doors
                           banged open and I was thrown to the ground, maybe ten feet, and landed
                           with a deafening splash in a shallow stream. For a second, I just lay face
                           down  in  the  cold  water  in  disbelief.  The  water  rose  up  in  my  mouth  and
                           nose, and sputtering, I raised my head and looked around. No one in sight.
                                   Painfully I tried to adjust my body and picked myself up and began
                           to wade towards the bank.
                                   I could still hear the gun fight going on, which meant I was still in
                           the  area.  That  very  thought  sent  shivers  down  my  spine.  I  quickened  my
                           pace to an unknown direction without knowing the coordinates. I began to
                           cry  in  frustration.  All  I  had  ever  wanted  in  life  was  a  little  peace  and
                           normalcy.  A  regular  life  away  from  horrible  memories,  not  a  volley  of
                           bullets, bomb blasts and people dying around me every six months.
                                   Was I cursed or was it some kind of past life karma?
                                   You  reap  what  you  sow.  Do  good  and  receive  well!  Do  bad  and
                           receive worse! But what did I do to deserve this miserable life? I had never
                           even  killed  an  ant  in  my  entire  life,  maybe  some  mosquitoes,  but  I  don’t
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