Page 99 - Love Story of a Commando
P. 99

‘So? Is that not your duty? Are you not in the habit of saving damsels
                           in distress only to extract advantages later?’ I said sarcastically.
                                   ‘Okay!  Speaking  of  advantages,  what  kind  of  advantages  do  you
                           mean exactly?’ he said and grinned mischievously.
                                   I  was  distressed,  infuriated,  and  yet  the  bastard  before  me  was
                           making me smile. I mean, just a few days before I was battling hard to forget
                           my past and look at this narcissistic annoying man who was still trying to
                           prove his point.
                                   It was frustrating!
                                   ‘I always thought you’d be a shitbag but now I realize that you are
                           just a pathetic male chauvinist who thinks women are objects of pleasure and
                           should be used without terms and conditions applied. Your hypocrisy does
                           not allow you to fulfil the promises you make to a woman and you feel free
                           to walk out of relationships or circumstances anytime you wish. Why oblige
                           a woman over some lovey-dovey stuff when you can just fulfil your desires?
                           Right?’ I asked.
                                   ‘This hurts!’ he said slowly.
                                   ‘What were you expecting? Flower beds, when one day you suddenly
                           decide to drop before me out of the blue? There is a coward hidden beneath
                           your black uniform holding sophisticated weapons, basically. This time too,
                           you did not have any intentions to face me or confront me. It was just your
                           call of duty that you had to unmask your real self before me,’ I said.
                                   ‘No! That is not true. I love you,’ he said calmly.
                                   ‘Drop it!! I warn you. Okay? How dare you say it again? Love? What
                           do you know about love? I struggled hard for my sanity repeating this same
                           sentence over and over again, which you used in the Taj. Life would have
                           been really easy for me if we would have just met and you never said it to
                           me. But you did and I believed you. That was my fault and you ruined my
                           life.’ Tears coursed down my cheeks like molten lava and I swallowed the
                           lump in my throat.
                                   ‘I know. I am sorry but I had no option before me. Trust me on this
                           but I always loved you and I don’t remember a single day when you did not
                           cross my mind,’ he said softly.
                                   ‘Oh!  Please!  Just  shut  up!  When  was  the  last  time  you  had  any
                           option? Keep your crap to yourself!’ I shouted.
                                   I turned away and head for the exit. It was getting difficult for me
                           each passing second and I didn’t want to break down in his presence. I did
                           not want to give him the pleasure of  seeing me in shambles. I  hated him
                           from the bottom of my heart, and he needed to know that. I took off running
                           but before I could even go a few steps he caught up with me and grabbed my
                                   ‘Whoa! Where are you going?’ he said.
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