Page 219 - Innovative Professional Development Methods and Strategies for STEM Education
P. 219

Prospective EFL Teachers’ Perceptions of Using CALL in the Classroom

                  The interview protocol of the study was as follows;

               •    What do you think about technology resources? Can you name any resources/tools to be used in
                    ELT classrooms?
               •    Have you ever observed a teacher/an instructor using CALL resources in their classroom?
               •    Have you ever used any of the resources in your teaching practices [refer to your macro teachings
                    at the department or at the schools?
               •    What  do  you  think  of  using  technology  resources  within  an  English  language  classroom
               •    Do you think your existing skills in technology will be enough to integrate into your future lan-
                    guage teaching practices?
               •    Would you use technological tools in your future English language classrooms? Why or why not?

               Data Collection and Analysis Procedures

               The validation of the both data collection tools were reviewed by three experts in the field. For the com-
               prehensiveness, clarity of the wording and organization of the data collection tools. The three experts
               who had solid background in the field of foreign language teacher education, were invited to conduct a
               think aloud procedure (Dillman, Smyth & Christian, 2014) to discuss the content and applicability of
               data collection tools.
                  During the implementation of the survey, the participant group was sent a link of the Google forms
               and asked to fill in the form within a week time.
                  Data analysis procedures composed of reliability and frequency analysis of the quantitative data in
               addition to content analysis of the qualitative data. The descriptive statistics of the survey results were
               also examined in the content analysis of the interviews. Thus, content analysis of the interviews pro-
               vided the necessary insights to examine the perceptions of the prospective EFL teachers’ use of CALL
               resources in their future teaching practices.


               The first section of the survey was the demographics of the participants. In Table 1, the demographics
               of the participants who participated in the study were presented. As seen in Table 1, the PTs (N=106)
               participated in the study were at the junior year (N= 51), at the senior year (N=47) and irregular PTs
               (N=8) who has spent more than four years in the program. The female participants (N=69) of the study
               constitute the 65% whereas the male participants (N=37) were the 35% of the study participants. The
               range of the group was 18 to 24+. The majority of the participants were at the range of 20-21 (N=73)
               which was the 69% of the participants.
                  The second section of the survey focused on the attitudes and perceptions of PTs’ use of CALL in
               EFL classes. In order to analyze the descriptive statistics of the survey, first a reliability analysis was
               conducted. Rather than investigating the factor affecting the use of technologies in the classroom, the
               study in hand focused on addressing the needs of the department where the study was conducted and

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