Page 221 - Innovative Professional Development Methods and Strategies for STEM Education
P. 221
Prospective EFL Teachers’ Perceptions of Using CALL in the Classroom
Table 2. Descriptive statistics of the scale
7. Using technology is a good idea. 106 4.67 0.70
3. I plan to use technology in my future English language classroom. 106 4.65 0.71
5. Technology will be useful in my English language teaching practices. 106 4.55 0.79
10. I feel that using technology will help my students learn more about the topic of the lesson. 106 4.44 0.81
11. I feel that using technology will improve my students’ satisfaction with the course. 106 4.37 0.86
14. To help my students better learn the material. I will incorporate technology in my future English 106 4.36 0.83
language classroom.
32. I would feel comfortable using technology in an English language classroom. 106 4.33 0.78
4. I intend to use technology as soon as I start teaching English. 106 4.31 0.84
33. I could easily use technology on my own in my classes. 106 4.24 0.84
29. Using the technology fits well with the way I will teach English. 106 4.23 0.83
8. I feel that technological tools will be easy to use in an English language classroom. 106 4.22 0.87
28. Using technology in the classroom is compatible with the way I will teach English. 106 4.18 0.78
13. I feel that using technology will improve students’ evaluation of the topic of the lesson. 106 4.17 0.87
6. The advantages of technology in the English language classroom outweigh the disadvantages of 106 4.17 0.87
not using it.
12. I feel that using technology will improve my students’ English language grades. 106 4.12 0.92
9. I feel that incorporating technology in my future English language classroom will be easy. 106 4.10 0.85
2. I would have no difficulty explaining why technology may or may not be beneficial in an English 106 4.04 0.99
language classroom.
21. I have the knowledge and ability to use technology in an English language classroom. 106 4.03 0.81
30. The technology will be compatible with the computer I will use in the classroom. 106 4.01 0.83
31. I will be able to use technology using any computer connected to the Internet. 106 3.99 0.99
34. I know enough to use technology in an English language classroom. 106 3.87 0.98
20. Using technology in an English language classroom is entirely within my control. 106 3.81 0.98
16. My instructors at the department confirm my ability and knowledge to use technology in my 106 3.76 0.98
future classroom.
Although item 16 belonged to the subjective norm subscale, considering the significant others in using
technology resources at the department was one of the topics that draw the attention of the researchers.
Thus, it was added into the analysis. Moreover, it received the lowest mean value of the whole scale
items (M=3.76).
PTs were also asked to reflect on the level of confidence in using computers. The responses to their
confidence level of using computers was moderate (M=3.18). PTs were asked three additional open-ended
questions to reflect on their description of technology, ways of using technology in English language
classrooms, and their readiness to use technology in their future teaching practices.
As for the qualitative data, two questions were asked to the participants. The first one was about how
they perceived the technology and how they defined it; and the responses were categorized as shown
in Table 3.