Page 224 - Innovative Professional Development Methods and Strategies for STEM Education
P. 224

Prospective EFL Teachers’ Perceptions of Using CALL in the Classroom


                   Prospective EFL teachers’ perceptions about the use of technology in EFL classrooms should be ex-
                   amined and acknowledged in the initial teacher training programs. Prospective EFL teachers and the
                   administration of the program needs to be aware of the possible preconceptions about technology and its
                   integration into the teacher education programs to enable its applications in real classrooms. Therefore,
                   addressing the needs of the 21  Century skills for using technology will be achieved.
                      The primary aim of the foreign language teacher education departments is to provide the necessary
                   context of professional learning for the prospective teachers. However, the context of professional learn-
                   ing not only requires teacher educators to convey the necessary theoretical knowledge for EFL teach-
                   ing but also to provide the necessary opportunities for prospective teachers’ to practice their possible
                   classroom applications. Thus, the curriculum of the initial teacher education programs should address
                   the possible demands of national education. Although there are specific courses (e.g. Teaching English
                   to Young Learners, Foreign Language Assessment) offered by the Council of Higher Education (1998),
                   there are not any courses offered in the foreign language teacher education programs addressing the
                   use of technology in EFL classrooms which is thought-provoking. The present study, therefore, creates
                   the opportunity for an immediate call for the policy-makers to create opportunities for foreign language
                   teacher education departments to offer necessary courses focusing on the integration of technology in
                   EFL classrooms.


                   The study was not designed as a psychometric analysis to examine the underlying factors of PTs’ using
                   CALL in their future classes. Rather, it was designed to reflect on the effectiveness of the practices of
                   the department that the current study was implemented. Therefore, the results of the study provide a
                   reflection on the effectiveness of the instruction provided in the applications of the department to train
                   foreign language teachers.
                      The study was carried out in one of the EFL teacher education programs with a limited number of
                   participants. Therefore, having more participants will provide a coherent understanding of the beliefs of
                   the PTs to use technology in their classes and their readiness to incorporate technology in their teaching
                   practices. It may also be worthwhile to investigate the opinions of the academic staff working at the initial
                   teacher education program to examine the extent to which they believe that they prepare EFL teachers
                   working at the schools and actively using technological resources in their classrooms.
                      The study investigates PTs’ definitions of technology and ways of using technology in their classes.
                   Thus, the study is design solely on PTs’ personal opinions. As a suggestion for the future studies, obser-
                   vations can be conducted during practice teaching and at PTs’ first year of teaching. Therefore, future
                   studies focusing on the on-site observations of using technology will display a coherent understanding
                   of PTs’ teaching practices.

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