Page 24 - 2019-2020 NSYSU Annual Report
P. 24
填海造陸-運動場填築工程 理工學院工程完工,後方的理工學院第二研究大樓尚未興建。
The sports field was built on reclaimed land College of Science. The buildings behind it were not yet elevated.
中山創校初期成立 4 系 2 所,發展至今已有7大學院, At first, NSYSU had 4 departments and 2
現正積極申設醫學院系並開發仁武校區。在李煥校長、 institutes; today, it has 7 colleges and keeps
趙金祁校長、林基源校長、劉維琪校長、張宗仁校長、 expanding: it applied for the establishment of the
楊弘敦校長及現任鄭英耀校長擘劃下,逐步完善校園 College of Medicine and started developing the
軟硬體建設、校務組織章程,並因應時代趨勢,提升 Renwu campus. Thanks to the arrangements of
University Presidents Huan Li, Chin-Chi Chao,
Chi-Yuan Lin, Victor Wei-Chi Liu, Chung-Cheng
Chang, Hung-Duen Yang, and the current
University President Ying-Yao Cheng, the
facilities on campus and the regulations on the
academic aff airs have been gradually improving
to respond to the current trends, enhance global
competitiveness and make NSYSU become
one of the best universities worldwide. Now, to
even better fulfi ll its social responsibility, NSYSU
strengthens its regional ties, interdisciplinary
collaboration, humanistic values, and actively
engages in dialogue with the society.
Construction site of the Administration Building and the College of