Page 27 - 2019-2020 NSYSU Annual Report
P. 27
Past, Present, and Future 撫懷昔
西子灣動物園 - 大象與保育員張永興 勵志樓(現西子灣沙灘會館)樓頂軍訓課 國立中山大學辦公室,現為中山附幼
合照 Sizihwan ZOO: zookeeper Chang Military training on the rooftop of Li-Chih Hall Office of NSYSU (currently NSYSU
Yung-Hsing with elephant (currently Sunset Beach Resort) Kindergarten)
選課日學生們清晨就得跑去排隊搶課 已故外文系余光中教授指導學生 Late Professor Yu Kwang-Chung
On the registration day, the students had to line up to register for courses. of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature
管理學院課堂 早期實驗課程 研究船前合影
Class at the College of Management Laboratory class early in the morning Research vessel
海生所第一屆學生外海採集 民國 71 年於舊文院(現社科院)舉行第一屆畢業典禮
First session of marine samples First graduation ceremony at NSYSU in 1982 in the College of Liberal Arts (currently College of
collection of the students of the Social Sciences) 25
Institute of Marine Biology