Page 26 - 2019-2020 NSYSU Annual Report
P. 26
李煥校長交接校印予趙金祁校長 趙金祁校長交接校印予林基源校長 張宗仁校長從劉維琪校長手中接下校印
President Huan Li cedes the university President Chin-Chi Chao cedes the President Victor Wei-Chi Liu cedes the university
stamp to President Chin-Chi Chao. university stamp to President Chi-Yuan Lin. stamp to President Chung-Cheng Chang.
President Chung-Cheng Chang cedes the university
stamp to President Hung-Duen Yang.
From the left are President Chung-Cheng Chang, President Chi-Yuan Lin,
President Huan Li, President Chin-Chi Chao, and President Victor Wei-Chi Liu.
Professor Jih-Hwa Wu cedes the university stamp to
President Ying-Yao Cheng on behalf of the University
From the left are President Chung-Cheng Chang, President Chi-Yuan Lin, President Ying-Yao Cheng,
24 President Victor Wei-Chi Liu, and President Hung-Duen Yang.