Page 31 - 2019-2020 NSYSU Annual Report
P. 31
Our Campus 校 園 園
Our Campus
打造醫學新基地 New Renwu Campus, a future hub of medical
仁武校區首棟樓 11 月動工 studies: construction of the first building to
start in November 2020
校區積極籌建醫學教學大樓(北一 To fulfill the University's aim to establish the College of
Medicine, a building for medical education (N1), and two
buildings for medical research (S1, S2) are in preparation.
棟),民國 109 年 2 月已委託建築師
In February 2020 the construction project of N1 was
規劃設計北一棟大樓,預定 11 月舉辦
entrusted to the architect and is to be completed in 2023. The
動土典禮,於民國 112 年完工後啟用;
groundbreaking ceremony is scheduled for November 2020.
南一棟與南二棟大樓則預計於 111 年
The buildings S1 and S2 are expected to be completed in
與 114 年完工。
2022 and 2025, respectively.
西子灣新海域中心動土 Construction of Sizihwan New Marine Center to
預計 110 年初竣工 be completed in the beginning of 2021
本校獲教育部體育署「前瞻基礎建設 The University obtained the support of the Prospective
計畫」大力支持,於校內興建高雄市 Infrastructure Plan of the Sports Administration of the
首棟水域運動場館「西子灣新海域中 Ministry of Education to build the first marine sports center in
心」,民國 108 年 9 月開工動土,預 Kaohsiung – Sizihwan New Marine Center. Its construction
計 110 年初完工,新海域中心將作為 started in September 2019 and is scheduled to be completed
培育台灣水域運動人才、推廣水域活 in the beginning of 2021. Sizihwan New Marine Center will
動與產業、舉辦國內外賽事及學校教 cultivate water sports athletes in Taiwan, promote water sports
育之用,未來規劃對外開放,期能協 and the related industry, organize domestic and international
competitions, and offer academic education. In the future,
the Center will be open to the public and it will help the
government turn Taiwan into a water sports hub.