Page 35 - 2019-2020 NSYSU Annual Report
P. 35

Our Campus 校   園 園
                                                                                                  Our Campus

               海洋教育推手                               Marine Biotechnology and Biodiversity Exhibition
               標本室 2.0 版新裝上陣                        Gallery opened to promote marine education

               歷時 1 年,海洋生物科技暨資源學                    One  year  ago,  the  Department  of  Marine  Biotechnology
               系重新整修成立 25 年的標本室,                    and Resources renovated the Specimen Exhibition Gallery,
               由海科院 11 位教師打造 3 間全新                  established 25 years ago. Eleven teachers of the College
                                                    of  Marine  Sciences  created  a  completely  new  Marine
                                                    Biotechnology and Biodiversity Exhibition Gallery, with over
                                                    700 exhibits displayed in three rooms, including crustaceans,
                                                                 such  as  crabs,  shrimps,  and  hermit  crabs;
               足,以及螺貝類、魚類、珊                                           echinoderms, such as sea urchins, starfish
               瑚、藻類及礦物共 700
                                                                         and brittle stars; and mollusks, fish,
               餘件標本,開放各機                                                   coral, algae, and  minerals.  The
               關團體、教育單位                                                     Gallery provides thematic, in-depth,
               及一般民眾組團申                                                      and extensive knowledge in marine
               請參訪,提供主                                                        sciences. Organized groups and
               題式深度探索,                                                        educational institutions can file an
               豐富海洋教育。                                                        application to visit the Gallery.

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