Page 39 - 2019-2020 NSYSU Annual Report
P. 39
Distinguished Academic Achievements 研亮點
Assistant Professor Shin-Ming Huang with
his international research teams published
research papers in 3 top international
journals over the past 1.5 years
Assistant Professor Shin-Ming Huang of the Department of
Physics was not only one of 17 Highly Cited Researchers
in Taiwan in 2019, but also, in the past 1.5 years, he
published research results in 3 top international journals:
Nature , Nature Materials and Science , together with
his international research teams. His stunning research
capacity drew international attention to academic circles in
Taiwan specializing in physics.
物理系黃信銘跨國研究 Aerosol transmission of COVID-19 by
一年半內榮登三大世界權威期刊 asymptomatic individuals possible:
international team of Associate Professor
物理學系黃信銘助理教授不僅為 2019 全 Chia C. Wang publishes article in Science
台 17 位高被引學者之一,其參與的跨國
Asymptomatic individuals infected with COVID-19 can
研究更在 1 年半內榮登 3 大國際權威期
spread the disease by aerosol transmission! Associate
刊《Nature》、《Nature Materials》及 Professor Chia C. Wang, the Director of the Aerosol
《Science》,學研能量驚人,為台灣學 Science Research Center at National Sun Yat-sen
術界物理領域耀眼新星。 University, in collaboration with the Director of the
NSF Center for Aerosol Impacts on Chemistry of the
氣膠傳播可能為 COVID-19 無症狀 Environment, University of California San Diego, USA,
患者傳染途徑 Kimberly A. Prather, and a renown infectious disease
跨國合作專文獲 Science 刊登 specialist Robert T. Schooley, published a perspective
article in Science, a top international journal, stating that
新冠肺炎無症狀患者可能透過氣膠傳播病 SARS-CoV-2 virus causing COVID-19 disease can be
毒!本校氣膠科學研究中心王家蓁主任 transmitted in the air in the form of aerosols and droplets.
與美國加州大學聖地牙哥分校氣膠中心 The aerosol transmission may be the main route of
Kimberly A. Prather 主任合作,並聯合知 transmission of the virus, as asymptomatic individuals are
名傳染病學專家 Robert T. Schooley 於國 unaware of the fact that they can transmit the disease and
際權威期刊《Science》共同發表專文, do not wear a mask nor use other protection measures.
The perspective article was downloaded 1.5 million times,
指出導致肺炎 COVID-19 的新型冠狀病
breaking the record of Science, and was reported by over
毒 SARS-CoV-2,能夠以極細微的氣膠
150 media stations across the globe.
次數累計超過 150 萬次,破 《Science》
紀錄,並獲超過 150 家國際媒體報導。