Page 44 - 2019-2020 NSYSU Annual Report
P. 44

NSYSU team developed miniaturized
                                                           silicon photonic gyroscope driver chip the
                                                           size of a mung bean

                                                           The Department of Photonics has established an
                                                           academia-industry research collaboration to develop
                                                              a new type of silicon photonic gyroscope modules
                                                                  – hybrid interferometric optical gyroscope.
                                                                    Over the past two years, the NSYSU team
                                                                     has reached a milestone, using the Si
                                                                     photonic technology, and demonstrated
                                                                     the first miniaturized Si photonic fiber-optic
              研發微型化「矽光子陀螺儀                                          gyroscope driver chip in the world, which has
              驅動晶片」 體積僅綠豆大小                                       shown a great potential for mass production.
                                                              The volume of the whole chip does not surpass
              光電工程學系建立產學研合作模式,開發複                          5 mm  – it is as small as a mung bean, and the
              合式矽光子陀螺儀模組,研發團隊利用矽光                          production cost was reduced to one third. Professor
              子技術,實現全球第一顆微型化光纖陀螺儀                          Yi-Jen Chiu of the Department of Photonics said that
              驅動晶片,並具備可量產潛力;整體晶片體                          the main application of the silicon photonics gyroscope
              積小於 5mm ,僅約 1 顆綠豆大小,成本也                      is in the huge market of miniaturized navigation,
                                                           including biomedical testing, self-driving cars, smart
                                                           robots, GPS aircraft tracking, and CubeSat.
                                                           Professors Lih-Tyng Hwang and Tzyy-Sheng
                                                           Horng received the Most Influential Research
                                                           Monograph  Award  from  the  Ministry  of
                                                           Science and Technology for "3D IC and
                                                           RF SiPs, Advanced Stacking and Planar
                                                           Solutions for 5G Mobility"
              科技部「最具影響力研究專書」                               For  the  first  time,  the  Ministry  of  Science  and
                                                           Technology organized a contest for the most influential
              科技部首次舉辦「最具影響力研究專書」徵                          research monograph. "3D IC and RF SiPs, Advanced
              選,本校通訊工程研究所黃立廷教授與電機                          Stacking and Planar Solutions for 5G ", a monograph
              工程學系洪子聖教授共同編寫的全英語                                 written jointly in English by Professor Lih-Tyng
                                                                     Hwang of the Institute of Communications
                                                                        Engineering and Professor  Tzyy-
              裝,用於 5G 移動的先進堆疊
                                                                          Sheng Horng of the Department of
              與平面解決方案》,  榮獲
                                                                            Electrical Engineering was awarded
                                                                             the  Most  Influential  Research
                                                                             Monograph Award in the category
              最佳「研」值。2 位教授                                                   of Engineering and Technology,
              為將多年積累的學術精華                                                    which  represents  excellence
              傳授給莘莘學子,將著作                                                   in  research.  Both  professors
              贈予學校圖書館,供全校師                                                 encapsulated the essence of their
              生員與民眾閱覽。                                                   years-long  academic  and  research
                                                                     experience into the monograph.

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