Page 45 - 2019-2020 NSYSU Annual Report
P. 45

                                                                                Distinguished Academic Achievements  研亮點

               復振南島文化                                      The new Center for Austronesia Social and
               「南島民族社會文化發展中心」揭牌                            Cultural Development is officially open
                                                           Taiwan is the cradle of Austronesian languages and
               台灣是南島語的源頭、南島民族的原鄉,全                         the origin of the Austronesian peoples. Director of the
               台原住民鄉鎮分布最多的區域就在南台灣。                         Center for Austronesia Social and Cultural Development
               「南島民族社會文化發展中心」台邦.撒沙                         Professor Sasala Taiban emphasized that the academic
               勒主任強調,原住民族在台灣與南島地區皆                         circles are becoming more and more aware of the
               具有特殊意義,學術上日漸獲得重視。該中                         importance of the research on the indigenous peoples
               心的成立是以南島文化研究為目標,統合南                         of Taiwan and other regions with the Austronesian
               島文化與原住民族相關研究,以及輔導原住                         population. The mission of the Center for Austronesia
               民學生進行多元課程規劃,在外交、海洋、                         Social and Cultural Development is the research and
               文化、語言、音樂、藝術等方面,建立進軍                         integration of the Austronesian cultures and guidance
                                                           for  indigenous  students  by  planning  diversified
                                                           courses. The Center is to become a leader among the
                                                           Austronesian regions in such areas as international
                                                           relations, marine studies, culture, language, music, and

                                                           According to brand trust survey conducted
                                                           by NSYSU's international collaboration,
                                                           Giant  Manufacturing  ranks  first  for
                                                           consumer trust

                                                           JZN  Brand  Research  Center  and  the  College  of
                                                           Management were authorized to use the survey tools of
                                                           Gustavson School of Business, University of Victoria, to
                                                           conduct a brand trust survey covering 40 top consumer
                                                           brands in Taiwan in 17 different sectors. According to
                                                           the survey, Giant Manufacturing Co. ranked first for

               跨國合作研究品牌調查                                  consumer trust. Among retail channels, Family Mart
               捷安特奪消費者信任冠軍                                 and PX Mart ranked high: 2nd and 5th, respectively.
                                                           Foreign brands such as Starbucks or Panasonic have
               本校舊振南品牌研究中心與管理學院獲得加                         also occupied a steady position in Taiwan, 3rd and 4th
               拿大維多利亞大學 Gustavson  商學院授權                   ranks, respectively.
               問卷工具,針對台灣前 40 大的消費品牌,
               涵蓋 17 個行業別,進行消費者品牌信任度
               任的第 1 名寶座;消費者於日常生活經常接
               利中心,也名列前茅,分居第 2 名和第 5 名。
               外來品牌星巴克與松下 Panasonic 也分別穩
               居國人心中第 3、4 名。

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