Page 50 - 2019-2020 NSYSU Annual Report
P. 50

本校落實教學創新,提升教學品質,110                        The University relentlessly innovates education and

              學年度新設「藝術管理與創業研究所(碩                         enhances teaching quality. To cultivate a new generation
              士班)」及「社會創新研究所(碩士班)」,                       of entrepreneurs and leadership professionals, two
              培育新世代創新創業領導人才,另新設                          new master degree programs will be established in
                                                         the academic year 2021-2022 at the Institute of Arts
                                                         Management and Entrepreneurship and the Institute of
                                                         Social Innovation, and also, the International Doctoral
                                                         Program of Marine Science and Technology, which is
                                                         actively recruiting international graduate students to help
              因應高中 108 學年度新課綱、強化與在地
              高中連結,協助高雄市 5 所高中開設 18                      the surrounding countries of South China Sea develop
                                                         marine economy and make sustainable use of marine
              達 54 名,並攜手馬來西亞、香港、澳門                       To respond to the new curriculum in senior high schools
              等海外 5 中學簽訂策略聯盟,共同育才。                       introduced in 2019 and strengthen the ties with local
                                                         schools, NSYSU assisted six senior high schools in
                                                         Kaohsiung  City  in  establishing  14  six-week  micro-
                                                         courses, expanding and diversifying students' choice of
                                                         optional classes. In 2020, 54 students were recruited via
                                                         the Hai Na Bai Chuan Project. The University also signed
                                                         strategic alliance agreements with 5 high schools in
                                                         Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Macao to recruit outstanding
                                                         students and jointly cultivate talents.

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