Page 51 - 2019-2020 NSYSU Annual Report
P. 51

                                                                                          Professional Education  專教育

               本校在實踐高等教育公平正義及落實高教公                           The University does not spare efforts in exercising the
               共性上不遺餘力。109 學年度繁星推薦及本校                        principles of equality and justice in higher education
               特有弱勢優先的南星計畫(含西灣南星分組)                          and maintaining its public character. As many as
               規劃招生名額達學士班新生總額 23.9%,在                        23.9% of the undergraduate students enrolled at
               全國頂尖大學中名列前茅。108 學年度起結合                        NSYSU in the academic year 2020-2021 were
                                                             admitted through entrance systems of the Stars Project
                                                             and the University's Southern Star Project (including
               學金」,提供 4 年 25 萬獎助學金。此外,推
                                                             Southern Star Project: Si-Wan Group) designed for
                                                             disadvantaged students. This is one of the highest
               勢學生出國交換費用,每生可申請達 50 萬元,
                                                             rates among the nation's top universities. At the
                                                             beginning of the academic year 2019-2020, together
                                                             with TSMC Foundation, the University established
               USR 通過件數全台之冠                                  the Si-Wan Scholarship, providing scholarships of
               獲政府企業雙料肯定                                     NTD 250,000 for a 4-year study period. Moreover, the
                                                             Soaring Far and Wide Project was launched to help
               教育部「108 年教學實踐研究計畫」審查結                         disadvantaged students go abroad for exchange by
               果,本校共 27 件計畫獲得補助,通過率達                         providing an allowance of up to NTD 500,000, nurture
               68%,108 年首度納入的「大學社會責任」                        their global vision and increase competitiveness.
               (USR)」專案申請,本校更有 7 件申請案
               通過,位居全台之冠。                                    NSYSU has the most USR Projects funded
                                                             by the MOE among universities in Taiwan

                                                             According to the 2019 Teaching Practice Research
                                                             Program of the Ministry of Education (MOE), 27 of
                                                             the University's projects (68% acceptance rate) have
                                                             obtained MOE's funding. In 2019, the University
                                                             applied  for  the  funding  of  its  University  Social
                                                             Responsibility Projects (USR) for the first time, and 7
                                                             of the project proposals were accepted, the highest
                                                             number among the universities in Taiwan.

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