Page 42 - 2019-2020 NSYSU Annual Report
P. 42

NSYSU research team records over 1000 sea turtles
                                                around Taiping Island

                                                The research team of Professor Keryea Soong of the Department
                                                of Oceanography counted the sea turtles around Taiping Island,
                                                the southernmost territory of the Republic of China. The team used
                                                drones to take bird's-eye views along around 1 km of the coastline
                                                of the island, up to 400 m off the coast, and spotted around 200
                                                sea turtles on a total area of 0.2 km  and estimated that over one
              最新發現!                             thousand sea turtles live around the island's reef flat covering an
              太平島估有千隻海龜現蹤                       area of 1.6 km . This number is much higher than the number of
                                                sea turtles around Little Liuchiu of just over 100 individuals.
              著 1 公里長的航線,拍攝面積約
              0.2 平方公里的區域,發現有將
              近 200 隻的海龜,因此估計在太
              平島周邊礁台 1.06 平方公里範


              海洋科學系陳孟仙主任與劉祖                     Results of first research on Taijiang National Park
              乾特聘教授於「台江國家公園                     marine environment announced
                                                Chairperson of the Department of Oceanography, Professor
              果,首次揭露台江國家公園成立                    Meng-Hsien Chen and Distinguished Professor James T. Liu
              後,第一筆海域生態基線關鍵資                    gave speeches during the Conference on Taijiang National Park
              料。研究團隊調查 73 種魚類、                  Conservation presenting the results of their research and providing
              28  種蝦類及 37 種蟹類新紀錄                the first key baseline information on the marine ecosystem of
              種發現,七股沿海和黑水溝各類                    Taijiang National Park since its establishment in 2009. The research
              別海洋生物的種類差異很大。此                    recorded 73 species of fish, 28 species of shrimps, and 37 species
              外,仔細比對在七股沿海的魚、                    of crabs in this area. The assemblages of the marine organisms
              蝦及蟹種類組成,也發現 10 年                  inhabit the Chiku coastal area and Pescadores Channel differently.
              間明顯的變化。魚種優勢種中,                    Conducting a detailed comparison, it was discovered that in the
              高體大鱗鮃、準大頭狗母魚明顯                    past 10 years a great change occurred in the population of different
                                                species of fish, shrimps, and crabs of the Chiku coastal area. As for
                                                the dominant species of fish, the population of Tarphops oligolepis
                                                and Trachinocephalus myops  has decreased, while the number
                                                of Ostorhinchus fasciatus and Liachirus melanospilos  (also called
                                                'flatfish') has considerably risen.

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