Page 40 - 2019-2020 NSYSU Annual Report
P. 40
防新冠病毒檢測「偽陰性」 NSYSU team developed 15-minute COVID-19
15 分鐘篩出無明顯症狀感染者 test to detect virus even in early stage of
infection in asymptomatic individuals and
醫學科技研究所楊閎蔚副教授研究團 prevent false negative results
隊,研發出有別於目前市面上「驗孕 One drop of blood is enough to detect COVID-19 in
棒」式的快篩檢測法,藉由自主開 just 15 minutes, even in patients in an early stage of
發的高催化力奈米材料與生物分子 infection without clear symptoms! The research team of
塗佈技術,獨創「超靈敏易測瓶」 Associate Professor Hung-Wei Yang of the Institute of
(EasyVial),大幅縮短原本傳統酵 Medical Science and Technology developed a rapid test
素結合免疫吸附分析法(ELISA)所 kit using a highly catalytic nanomaterial and biomolecular
需數小時的檢測時間,且 patterning techniques to create an original ultra-sensitive
無須任何專業人員儀 measurement flask (EasyVial). It is a different technology
than the one applied by the tests available on the
market, which are based on the same technology
as home pregnancy tests. The new technology
可在 15 分鐘
developed by NSYSU greatly reduces the
testing time that the traditional enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) would require.
量 IgM 抗體的 No medical personnel is needed in the process:
「早期無明顯症 a drop of blood is enough to detect IgM antibodies
狀感染者」。 in a patient in an early stage of COVID-19 infection
showing no symptoms in just 15 minutes.