Page 32 - 2019-2020 NSYSU Annual Report
P. 32
國家級水準藝文場館整建完成 Renovated Sun Yat-sen Hall is now open
NSYSU completed the renovation of the Sun Yat-sen
本校人文藝術展演殿堂「逸仙館」整建 Hall, which is now officially available for use. The 15 x 15 m
完成,再度開放啟用,全新的逸仙館舞 stage is comparable in size to the Chih-Te Hall of the
Kaohsiung Cultural Center and it can fit an F-16! This time,
台寬 15 米、深 15 米,面積約略與高
a completely new perspective on acoustics design was
adopted, providing a better quality of sound for the audience
停放 1 架 F-16 戰鬥機。建物全新設計
of the Hall. The seats feature five characters of the NSYSU
acronym. In the future, the Hall is going to host more world-
class performances and raise the standards and quality of
art events in south Taiwan.
New NSYSU Gym II available free of charge
運動防疫新生活 during trial period
The new NSYSU Gym II, located on the northern side of
位於田徑場看台區北側的第二體適能中 the bleachers of the Athletic Field, offers a two-floor 150 m
心全新完工,一、二樓總面積 150 坪, space with 63 machines of 38 different types and showers.
新增 38 種共 60 套全新器材。第二體 The gym is divided into three areas dedicated to cardio,
適能中心劃分為「心肺有氧區」、「重 weight training, and high-intensity functional training. From
量訓練區」及「高強度功能訓練區」等 November 2020 it will be available free of charge during the
3 區域,並設有沖洗室,試營運期間將 trial period to the University's students, staff, and faculty
全面開放給教職員生憑證免費使用。 upon showing their ID.