Page 72 - 2019-2020 NSYSU Annual Report
P. 72
國際共學伊斯蘭 College of Liberal Arts and UIN Jakarta
文院與印尼 PPIM 締約 Centre for the Study of Islam and Society
signed MOU to strengthen collaboration
課程「世界宗教介紹」透過國際創新教學合作 The "Introduction to Religions of the World" course
of the co-learning group of the Cross-Cultural
Studies and Aesthetics of the College of Liberal Arts
會研究中心(PPIM)進行為期 6 天的國際教
at NSYSU cooperated with the UIN Jakarta Center
學研修活動,雙方並簽署 MOU,期能深化學
for the Study of Islam and Society to broaden the
understanding of the Islamic culture around the
world. The course included a six-day trip as part of
the faculty-led study abroad program, and an MOU
was signed for further cooperation in the future.
The first bilateral workshop between
NSYSU and Ghent University in 2020
NSYSU and Ghent University in Belgium jointly
organized the 2020 NSYSU-UGent Bilateral
Workshop as a further step in research collaboration.
The workshop focused on the application of marine
resources and photovoltaic materials for sustainable,
renewable energy sources, particularly blue
energy. Both universities look forward to working
攜手根特大學 首辦雙邊研討會
cooperatively to make significant contribution to
源的應用為主軸,期盼 2 校藉此開創合作研究