Page 73 - 2019-2020 NSYSU Annual Report
P. 73
Global Vision 全視野
見證台美關係 40 年 NSYSU and AIT celebrated 40 years of U.S.-
聯手 AIT 辦特展 Taiwan relations
本校美國中心與美國在台協會(AIT) The Sun Yat-sen America Center at NSYSU, together with
共 同舉 辦「1979 年 後美 台 關係 特 the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), jointly organized the
展」,展覽內容以歷史文件、老照片 "U.S.-Taiwan Relations Since 1979" exhibition to celebrate 40
與多媒體檔案為主,回顧自民國 68 years of U.S.-Taiwan relations since the signing of the Taiwan
Relations Act. The collection included historical documents,
old photographs, and multimedia presentations, narrating the
details of the close collaboration of both countries in industry,
commerce, health and medicine, culture, and education, and
美國在台協會在台耕耘 40 年的豐碩
AIT's efforts in Taiwan in the past 40 years.
International Student volunteer programs
開拓視野文化交流 broaden students' horizons
NSYSU encourages students to join international volunteer
為鼓勵學生開拓視野,藉由國際志工 programs to broaden their horizons and engage in cultural
服務踏出舒適圈、加深文化交流,西 exchange. One of the programs offered was part of the service
灣學院開設服務學習課程,師生前往 learning course of the Si Wan College; students and faculty
日本大阪市大阪中華基督長老會或山 volunteered for the Osaka Chinese Presbyterian Church and
梨縣佛光山本栖寺擔任國際志工。此 Buddha Light Mountain Motosu Temple in Osaka, Japan. A
外,本校與斯里蘭卡馬特萊市阿努 new program launched was the 2020 Youth Academic
魯達寺首次合作舉辦「2020 Camp, a pioneering volunteering program
organized by the Office of International Affairs
青年 學術 營」,24 名
and NSYSU alumni in Anurudha Arana, a
本校學生和 2 名高
Buddhist center in Matale, Sri Lanka, with
twenty-four volunteers from NSYSU and
two from Kaohsiung Medical University.
The camp offered Mandarin language
行為期 8 天的華 classes, English conversation classes,
語教學課程,也 and community service at nearby
與附近寺廟進行英 temples and primary school. Nearly a
語教學,近百名斯 hundred local Sri Lankan students joined
里蘭卡學員藉此深入 the program and gained an understanding
瞭解中華文化。 of the language and culture of Taiwan.