Page 68 - 2019-2020 NSYSU Annual Report
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本校持續拓展國際交流,目前共有 NSYSU continues to expand the scope of international
264 所姊妹校,包括亞洲 144 校、 collaboration and exchange, partnering with 264 universities
歐洲 90 校、美洲 26 校及大洋洲 4 in 43 countries: 144 institutions in Asia, 90 in Europe, 26 in
校,分布於 43 個國家。其中 197 所 the Americas, and 4 in Oceania. Among them, 197 institutions
簽有交換學生計畫,提供超過 500 offer student exchange programs with a total quota exceeding
500; other partners focus on faculty exchange and research
個交換學生名額,108 學年度來校
collaboration. In the academic year 2019-2020, 508 students
及出國交換、研修人數共計 508 人。
participated in short-term international mobility programs either
另 67 所姊妹校以合作備忘錄或教師
studying abroad or at NSYSU. Specifically, agreements on 30
joint dual-degree programs have been signed. In the academic
30 個,108 學年度共有 61 名本校
year 2019-2020, 61 NSYSU students and 42 international
學生及 42 名合作校學生參加雙聯學 students from partner universities have joined the dual-degree
位計畫,畢業後可分別取得本校及 programs and will receive diplomas from both institutions upon
合作校學位。 graduation.
為推展國際學術影響力,本校成立 NSYSU further expanded research collaboration internationally.
海外科研中心,繼民國 108 年在斯 In 2019, NSYSU established the Taiwan and Sri Lanka
里蘭卡科特大學成立「臺斯環境變 Environmental Change Sciences and Technology Innovation
遷海外科研中心」,並於魯胡納大 Center with the University of Sri Jayewardenepura in Colombo,
學設立「臺斯海洋研究工作站」, Sri Lanka; with the University of Ruhuna in Matara, Sri Lanka,
另插旗波羅的海國家,於拉脫維亞 the University set up the Taiwan and Sri Lanka Marine Research
Station. Moving to the Baltic region, NSYSU, together with
the Institute of Solid State Physics at the University of Latvia,
founded the Taiwan and the Baltic States Research Center
on Physics. Conferences hosted by NSYSU brought together
international scholars to the campus for the Thailand-Taiwan
Forum on Medical Science and Technology, International
Symposium on Aerosols Characterization and Therapies, and
International Ocean Forum on South-East Asia.