Page 69 - 2019-2020 NSYSU Annual Report
P. 69

                                                                                                 Global Vision  全視野

               為增進國際能見度及延攬國際人才,                     NSYSU has increased its international visibility and actively
               本校聯合辦理菲律賓臺灣高等教育                      recruited international talents through different projects and
               展,參加芬蘭赫爾辛基歐洲教育展,                     events. To recruit international students for graduate degree
               赴比利時、荷蘭及英國之玉山學者                      studies, NSYSU not only attended the Taiwan Higher Education
                                                    Fair in Indonesia but also organized the 2019 Taiwan Education
                                                    Fair with partners in the Philippines. Also, NSYSU participated
                                                    in the EAIE Conference and Exhibition held
                                                    in Helsinki, Finland, in 2019 and joined
                                                    the  Yushan Scholar International
               108 學年度重要來訪外賓包括立陶宛
                                                    Recruitment Visit to Belgium, the
                                                    Netherlands,  and  the  United
               德國德勒斯登工業大學校長、斯里                      Kingdom. Focusing on research
               蘭卡姊妹校斯里賈亞瓦德納普拉大                      collaboration  with  Hiroshima
               學校長與國際事務長等。                          University, NSYSU organized a
                                                    delegation to visit the Hiroshima
               鼓勵海外移地學習                             Synchrotron Radiation Center,
               每月 1 萬元生活補助                          the Hiroshima University Hospital
                                                    and School of Medicine. Notable
               為鼓勵本校學生踴躍參與國際事務、                     international guests included the
               增長國際經驗,本校首創新制,108                    parliamentary delegation from Lithuania
               學年度起設立「西灣領航獎學金」,                     and Latvia, the Rector of the Dresden
               鼓勵學生提早修完畢業學分,利用                      University of Technology from Germany, and the
               半年至 1 年申請出國交換或研讀雙                    Vice Chancellor and Senior Professor for International Affairs of
               聯學位,學校將提供每個月 1 萬元                    the University of Sri Jayewardenepura from Sri Lanka.
               學生暑假前往美國加州大學聖地牙                      NSYSU offers NTD 10,000 monthly stipend to
                                                    encourage students to study abroad
               哥分校短期研究 2 個月,由學校補
                                                    NSYSU  established  the  Si-Wan  Scholarship  in  2019  to
               用約 10 萬元。                            encourage students to go abroad, participate in international
                                                    affairs and gain international experience. By offering a monthly
                                                                           allowance  of  NTD  10,000,  the
                                                                           University encourages students to
                                                                           finish required credits in advance and
                                                                           take the opportunity to go abroad
                                                                           for exchange or a dual degree
                                                                           program during the last semester or
                                                                           year. The University also offered a
                                                                           stipend for the two-month summer
                                                                           research program at the University of
                                                                           California, San Diego, covering costs
                                                                           of course fees, round-trip airfare and
                                                                           living expenses estimated about NTD

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