Page 78 - 2019-2020 NSYSU Annual Report
P. 78

5 百萬助少年頭家  力挺校友創業

              「少年頭家」!鄭英耀校長民國 108 年 11
              月將新台幣 5 百萬元支票交給第一個獲得


              為提供弱勢學生實踐自我、翻轉人生的機                          NSYSU handed in NTD 5,000,000 cheque to
              會,本校設立「西灣圓夢」及「乘風萬里.                         support alumni entrepreneurship
              轉動人生」2 項獎助學金,前者幫助大一新
              生安心向學,後者培育學生開拓國際視野,                         The University cultivates innovative entrepreneurs and
              增進其競爭優勢。109 年度共有 12 位學生                     strongly supports its students and alumni in starting
              獲得「乘風萬里.轉動人生」培育國際視野                         businesses. President Ying-Yao Cheng handed in an
              清寒學習獎勵金,其中 10 位赴比利時、捷                       NTD 5,000,000 cheque from the Sun Yat-Sen Innovative
                                                          Startup Fund to an alumni entrepreneurship team.
                                                          The University, besides nurturing students' creativity,
                                                          innovation, and entrepreneurship, undertakes concrete
              全世界有 200 多所姊妹校,皆可視為對外
                                                          actions to support the students.
              完整學習之外,也能到這些國外校區交換或                         Scholarships helped students study and
              就讀雙學位。                                      exchange abroad

                                                          To help economically disadvantaged students in their
                                                          self-fulfillment and pursuits, the University provided the
                                                          Si-Wan Scholarship and the Scholarship of the Soaring
                                                          Far and Wide Project; the first helped first-year students
                                                          study without worries, while the latter allowed them to
                                                          broaden their horizons and increase competitiveness. In
                                                          2020, 12 students obtained the support of the Soaring
                                                          Far and Wide Project: 10 of them went to Belgium,
                                                          Czech Republic, France, Italy, South Korea, Japan,
                                                          and Latvia for exchange. NSYSU President Ying-Yao
                                                          Cheng said that the University has signed partnerships
                                                          with over 200 institutions all over the world, allowing
                                                          the students to do exchange overseas and even earn a
                                                          double degree, besides the comprehensive education
                                                          on the Sizihwan Campus.

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