Page 82 - 2019-2020 NSYSU Annual Report
P. 82

本校作為頂尖大學與南方智庫之角色 ,                      As a top university and think-tank of southern Taiwan,
              以孕育人才為本 , 進而豐沛教研能量 ,                    NSYSU focuses on educating professionals, building up

              與國家社會同脈共振 , 呼應教育部推動                     education and research capacity, connecting with the society,
              「大學社會責任」,因應高屏地區目前                       and fulfilling the University's social responsibility (USR)
                                                      in line with the policy of the Ministry of Education. As the
                                                      communities in Greater Kaohsiung and Pingtung undergo
                                                      transition, the students and teachers of the University
                                                      formed interdisciplinary USR teams to help them progress
                                                      through humanities, science, and technology, develop a
                                                      friendly environment, and support innovating rural areas in
                                                      five aspects: ocean watch, social concern, domestic culture,
              「地方治理協力」5 大主軸推展,實踐                      industries development, and civic governance.
                                                      NSYSU applied for establishment of College
              申設醫學院                                   of Medicine and tied a strategic alliance with
              與高榮締約為教學醫院                              Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital

              本校積極籌設醫學院系,與高雄榮民總                       NSYSU started the process of establishing the College of
              醫院簽署策略聯盟合作協議書,高榮將                       Medicine and signed an agreement on strategic alliance
              成為本校的主要教學醫院,每年提供學                       with Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital (KVGH), which
              士後醫學系三、四年級足額實習醫學                        will serve as the main teaching hospital. Third- and fourth-
              生至該院臨床實作學習,共同培育關懷                       year students of the University will attend clinical practicum
              社會、兼具人文與科技素養的公費醫學                       training at KVGH as interns. Both parties will make a
              生,也將聯手抗疫,未來若大規模傳染                       contribution to society's well-being and nurture professionals
              病發生時,可協助提供高屏澎東第一線                       with humanistic values and knowledge of technology. In the
              醫療人力與最新醫學科研技術,守護民                       future, NSYSU and KVGH will join hands to fight against
                                                      epidemics. Should a communicable disease appear on a
                                                      large scale in the future, NSYSU and KVGH will provide first-
                                                      line medical professionals and newest medical technologies
                                                      for southern Taiwan to safeguard citizens' health.

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