Page 86 - 2019-2020 NSYSU Annual Report
P. 86

Students and teachers wrote songs in Taiwanese
                                                    and recorded food culture of military villages to
                                                    inject new energy into Zuoying District

                                                    The University's Zuoying Team of the Humanity Innovation and
                                                    Social Practice Project, sponsored by the Ministry of Science
                                                    and Technology, organized The Tunnel Cinema: The Shinyo
                                                    VR and Image Exhibition War & Life in the Sizihwan Tunnel.
                                                    The videos recorded the home food and stories of the military
                                                    dependents' village in Zuoying. Also, the team organized the
                                                    first event of "Goodyard Opera" Festival in the Liao Family's
              創台語歌、拍「眷」戀美食                          old house – a concert by Hsien-Chih Kao, who performed
              師生為左營注入新生命                            Taiwanese folk songs of the Japanese period and World War

              本校「科技部人文創新與社會實踐計                      II accompanied with the introduction of the history and culture
                                                    of Zuoying. The Project Coordinator, Associate Professor of
              劃」在「坑道電影院:震洋 VR 暨『戰
                                                    the Department of Music, Szu-Hsien Lee also wrote a theme
                                                    song for the activity – "Goodyard Opera"  (kū-tiânn oo-peh-lā ),
                                                    bringing out the vitality of the Zuoying District.
              及人生故事,並在左營「廖家百年                              NSYSU  students  and teachers gave
              古厝」舉辦「舊埕黑白喇」                                      sh ad o w  p l ay p erfo rman ces i n
              首場活動《做伙來聽                                           Taiwanese
                                                                    The students and teachers of NSYSU
                                                                     gathered  in  the  Sizihwan  Tunnel  to
                                                                      give shadow play performances in the
              專屬主題曲《舊埕                                                Taiwanese language. The team designed
              黑白喇》,「攪」                                                the space to make it resemble a temple
              出左營新生機。                                                square and invited the audience to
                                                                    participate in games. Another team prepared
              來隧道玩光影                                               an Augmented Reality Landform Sandbox
              體驗「弄皮猴」、                                          hands-on experience. The color projected on
              「地貌沙箱」                                        the sand would differ according to the height of sand
                                                    detected by the sensor, forming a physical map.
              影 SHOW」,推出原創「閩南語皮

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