Page 85 - 2019-2020 NSYSU Annual Report
P. 85
Outreach and Regional Alliances
幸福巴士駛入七美、來義 The Happiness Bus reached Chimei and Laiyi to
助當地居民就醫就學 help residents gain access to medical services and
落實離島偏鄉「行的正義」, Kaohsiung, Pingtung, and Penghu Regional Transportation
Development Research Center focuses on the problem of
由中心媒合,向企業勸募 9 人
transportation equity in rural areas. Thanks to the Center's
coordinate efforts, enterprises sponsored 9-seat mini-buses for
Chimei Island in the Penghu Archipelago, and Laiyi Township in
Pingtung County. The rural areas and outer islands of Taiwan
suffer from insufficient transportation services; this cooperation of
public-private partnership improved public transportation services,
齡者、行動不便者、學童有更 providing more convenient access to medical services and
好的公運服務,也照顧偏鄉居 education to the elderly, the disabled, and school-age children,
民就學、就醫的需求,帶動在 while promoting the trend of local enterprises giving back to the
地企業善盡其社會責任。 society.
鹽埕夜間創作展 NSYSU organized a series of night art performances:
千人穿梭「荒謬動物園」 "Don't Sleep in Yancheng: The ZOO"
本校師生於高雄鹽埕區舉辦「鹽 The students and teachers of NSYSU organized "Don't Sleep
夏不夜埕─荒謬動物園」街區 in Yancheng: The ZOO" – a series of six street performances in
夜間創作展,連結高雄翰品酒 evening hours in the Yancheng District of Kaohsiung, to connect
店等在地商家、團隊及空間, with local businesses, such as Chateau de Chine Hotel Kaohsiung,
teams and spaces, and to let arts blend in with ordinary
street life. The event attracted nearly 5,000 visitors
間吸引近 5 千人造訪。
to the streets of the Yancheng District. The
team of the NSYSU USR-C Project "City as a
Commuseum – Socially Embedded Community
Engagement" collaborated with related
望結合跨領域課程 departments and institutes of the University,
的開設,透過表演 hoping to start interdisciplinary courses and
藝術、裝置藝術及 discover the voices of the local people and the
活動,挖掘出鹽埕在 charm of the Yancheng District through artistic
地的聲音與魅力。 performances, art installations, and events.