Page 84 - 2019-2020 NSYSU Annual Report
P. 84
推動跨域地方創生 NSYSU and LDC Hotels & Resorts signed MOU
結盟雲朗觀光集團 to promote cross-regional innovation
本校與雲朗觀光集團簽署合作備忘錄, NSYSU and LDC Hotels & Resorts signed an MOU on
以高雄市鹽埕區翰品酒店為首站,共同 cooperation and established Chateau de Chine Hotel
Kaohsiung as the main base. In the future, they will promote
regional innovation, with hotels providing the facilities for the
collaboration, integrating the food and agriculture education
of the University, regional creativity, tourism user experience,
students' innovation and entrepreneurship and models of
teaching abroad to go beyond the frameworks of the industry,
engage in cross-regional innovative cooperation, foster local
development and nurture talents.
與屏縣合作救潮間帶 NSYSU and Pingtung County Government
屏東小琉球因大量觀光客在潮間帶踩 cooperated to save environment of intertidal
踏,對當地生態造成嚴重衝擊,屏東縣 zones of Little Liuchiu
政府自民國 108 年委託本校研究團隊 The excessive flow of tourists caused severe damage to
進行科學調查,團隊提出「設置生態走 the intertidal zone of Little Liuchiu, a small island off the
廊、繁殖期禁夜間導覽、加強遊客流量 south-west coast of Taiwan. In 2019, the Pingtung County
管制、徵收保育費」4 大改善建議,期 Government entrusted the research team of NSYSU
能改善當地環境。 with the scientific investigation; the team proposed four
recommendations for improvement: the establishment of
a tourist corridor, the prohibition of night excursions during
the spawning season, reinforcement of the tourist traffic
management, and the imposition of an ecological fee.