Page 168 - IGC BOOK
P. 168

Violence at Work     5.5


               Any incident in which a person is abused,
               threatened or assaulted in circumstances relating
               to their work.

               Workers may be verbally abused, threatened
               (verbally and by physical gesture) and even assaulted
               as they carry out their normal work.

               This includes:

               • verbal abuse - shouting, swearing or insults, sexual harassment or other unwanted
                  advances/behaviour, and racial abuse.
               • threats and intimidation - from customers/patrons.
               • physical violence - physical attacks including a slap, kicking, spitting or shoving as well as
                  more extreme violence.

               Certain occupations and types of work are associated with an increased risk of violence. In some
               cases there may also be the risk of violence between employees in the same workplace.

               The following factors are common to those occupations and situations:

               • Cash handling – any work involves handling of money or valuables puts workers at risk of
                  violence associated with robbery.
               • Lone working – work that puts involves worker to work alone in urban areas, or puts them in
                  contact with members of the public at remote or private locations.
               • Representing authority –  work which requires the worker represents authority, such as
                  police, traffic wardens, etc.
               • Wearing a uniform – uniforms are often seen as a symbol of authority, but even where they
                  are not workers may still be singled out for abuse.
               • Dealing with people under stress – when people are under stress they are less capable of
                  handling their emotions and can lose control.
               • Dealing with people under the influence – of drugs and alcohol, or with mental-health
                  problems, when normal inhibitions on behavior have been affected.
               • Censuring or saying no – workers who have to give warnings, penalties, fines, or who have to
                  refuse a service, or say no (e.g. bar staff).

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